Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/78

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76 SCARBROUGH III. 1740. 3. Thomas (Lumley-Saunderson, formerly Lumley), Eaul of Scarbhough, Sc., also Viscount Lumi.ev of Waterford [I.], next surv. br. and h..( a ) being 4th s. of tlie 1st Earl, was b. about 1690 ; entered the armv before 1714 and was L>t. Col. of Hinchinbroke's (tbo 37th) Foot in 1717 ; Envoy to Lisbon, 1721-26, where his entertainments were of the greatest magnificence J M.P. for Arundel 1722-27 and for Lincolnshire, 1727-10. He took the name of Saunderton after that of Lumleg by act of Pari on the death (21 May 1723) of James (Saunderson) Earl of Castleton [LJ, whose estates in Yorkshire and elsewhere he inherited. K.B. 27 May 1725 at the revival of that order. Treasurer to the Prince of Wales, 173.S-.t1, at whose funeral (13 April 1751) he walked accordingly. He sue. to the peerage 29 Jan. 1739/40, takins his peat 11 Feb. following. In 1745 he was Lt..Col. of Ancaster's Keg. of foot. He ». 27 June 1724, Frances, 2d da. of George (Hamilton), 1st EaBL of Orkney [S.], by Klizabeth, da. of Sir Edward VtLLMHS. He d. 15 March 1752. Will dat. 9 .Line 1750, pr. 21 April 1752. His widow, who was a Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess of Wales, at Bath 27 Dee. 1772. Will pr. 1773. IV. 1752. 4. Kichard (Lumi.ey-Saundersox), Karl op Scar- bhough, &c, also Viscount LuMI.EY OF Waterford [I.], 1st but only surv. s. and h. : h. May 1725 : styled Viscount Lijjii.ey till he Me, to the pierage, as above, 15 March 1752 ; Cofferer of the Household 1756. and again 1765-60 ; P.C. 1765 ; Deputy Eaul MaRSHAI from Oct. 1765 to Sep. 1777 ; Joint Vice Treasurer [I.] April 1782. He m. 12 Dec. 1752, Barbara, only surv. sister and (1784) b of Sir George Savile, 7th Bart, of Kufford, co. Notts, da. of Sir George Savile, Bart., by- Mary, da. of John PRAM, of Dublin. He d. in South Audley street 12 May 1 7Sli, and was bur. at Saxilby, co. Lincoln. Will pr. June 1783. His widow if. 22 July 1797 and was bur. at St. Marylebone M.I. Will pr. Aug. 1797. V. 1782. 5. Cieorge Augusta (Lumley-Sauxderson), Eael of SCARBROUGH, Sec, also VlSCOUNT LuM LEY OF WatKRFOUU [I.], 1st s. and h.,i. 22 Sep. 1753, and top 24 Oct. at St. Geo. Han. sq. ; styled Viscount Lumley till 1782. M.P. for Lincoln, 1784-S0 ; sue. to the peerage, as above, 12 May 1782. He d. uuin. 5 Sep. 1807, at Bath, aged 53, aud was bur. 16th in the abbey there. M.l. Will pr. 1807. VI. 1807. 6. Richard (Lumley-Sauxderson, formerly Lumley- Savile, and previously Lumley), Eaul of Scarbhough, &c, also Viscount Lumley of Watkuford [I.], next br. and h. ; b. 3 and bap. 16 April 1757 at Sandbeck, co. York ; ed. at Eton ; sometime, 1775-80, an ollicer in the army ; took the name of Svrilt after that of Lumley by Act of Pari. 1783, on succeeding to the estates of that family ; Sheriff of Notts, 1793 ; Capt. of the Rufford troop of Notts yeomanry, 1803-08 ; sue. to the peerage 5 Sep. 1807, aud having thereby forfeited the Savile estates and acquired those of the family of Saunderson, assumed the name of Saunderson after that of Lumley. He mi. 14 June 1787, at WoHaton, Notts, Henrietta, 2d da. of Henry (Willoughby), 5th Baron Middleton, by Dorothy, da, and coheir of George Cartwright. He d. s.p. 17 June 1832 aged 75 in Portman square. Will pr. Oct. 1832. His widow, who was b. 30 June 17S6. d. 26 Feb. 1816. Will pr. Aug. 1846. VII. 1832. 7. John (Lu.MLEY-SAviLE,/w?n«-/(/ Lumley), Karl of Scarbhough, &c, also Viscount Lumley of Waterford [1.1, next surv. br. and h., being 4th s. of the 4th Earl ;(") b. 15 June 1760 at Sandbeck ; ed". at King's Coll., Cambridge; M.A., 1782 ; took holy orders 1785 ; Preb. of York, manners, and address of a man of quality," that " he had not the least pride of birth and rank, but he was jealous, to anxiety, of his character." There is an engraving of him "after Sir G. Kneller (the ribbon added later) 1717 " in " Doyle." ») His next elder br., the Hon. William Lumley, an officer in the Navy, d. uuul. being killed in an engagement in the Mediterranean 9 April 1709. (t>) His next elder br. the Hon. Thomas Charles Lumley, an officer iu the navy, d. umn. being Blain on board the " Isis," 3 Sep, 1782, aged 23.