Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/93

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SCROPE. 91 tlie 5oro|i8 chapel in York minster. Will (as " Seiiex ") dat. 1 July 1 450 to 18 March 1453 pr. 18 Nov. 1455 at York.f*) His widow took the veil 14 Dec. 1455. Her admon. 12 March 14GG/7, at York. V. 1455. 5. Thomas (Le Scrope), L>>rd Scrope de Masham, 3d but only surv. s. and n.,(*) *■ about 1429 being aged 2G when he ihc lii'.s father in 1 155. He ma sum. to pari.',*-") from 9 Oct. (1459) 38 Hen. VI. to 19 Aug. (1472) 12 Ed. IV., by writs directed " Thomas Lr Scrape rf< Mushnm." In Dec. 1459 lie was granted an annuity of 20 marks for his services against the house of York. He m. shortly after 18 March 1458,( d ) Elisabeth, da. of Ralph (dk Crbystoik), 7th Loud GBETSTOCK, by Elizabeth, da. of William (Fitzduuu), Lord Kitzhcgh. He d. 1475. His widow in. Sir Gilliert Talbot, of Grafton, co. Worcester, who d. 19 Sep. 1510. She was living 20 Dec. 1483. VI. 1475. 0. Thomas (Le Scrope), Lop.d Scrope de Masham, 1st s. and h. ; about 14G0, being 15 years old on the death of his father in 1475 ; w:is a Commissioner for the defence of the Scotch marches, 1480; was HUB. to pari, from 15 N.iv. (1482) 22 Ed. IV. to 12 Aug. (1492) 7 Hen. VII. by writs directed " 'I homo: ie Scrope tlr M.isltam  ; was one of the 45 Peers( e ) present at the coronation of Hie. III. and was a conservator of the treaty, "148 4, between that King and the King of Scotland. He >n. before 1475 (when lie and his wife were admitted tn "Corpus L'hristi," York; Elizabeth, da. and coheir of John (Xkviu.), MaRtjCKSS OF JtoXTAQO, by Isabel, da. and coheir of Sir Edmund InoolDsthorpk. He d. s.p.m. 23 April 1498, and was bm at the lllackfriara, London. Inq. post, mortem. 6 Nov. (1493) 1 Hen. VII. Will ilnt. at London, 20 Sep. 1492. pr. (5 May 1495.(") His widow m. (lie 22 Oct 1494 ,') directed to the Curate of Eskrick, eo. York) Sir Henry Went- ROBTB, ot Poutefract, who was bur. at Newsonl Abbey, co. Lincoln/and whose wxll, dat 17 Aug. 1 Iffl, wna pr. 27 Feb. 1500. Her will, in which she describes herself as " Klizabeth, Lady Scrope of Upsale and Maasam, widow," t,S) dat. 6 March 2513/4 to 13 July 1517, pr. U Dec. 1521. VII. 1493. 7. Alice, siw jure Baroness Scrope de Masham, only da. and aged 12 at the death of her father in 1473. She m. before Oct. 1495, as his first wife, Henry (Lfc Scrope), Loud Scrope dh; Bolton, who d. shortly before Dee. 1533, leaving issue by a second wife. See particulars of him under that title. She d. in 1502 in childbed of a daughter.;' 1 ) VIII. 1502. S. Klizauetii, suo jura I3aroness Scrope de Masham, only surv. da. and h. of her mother next abovenamed ; b. 1502 and (I. in her infancy. (,') IX. 1503? 9. Henry (Le Scrope), Lord Scrofe de Masham or DE Upsam., great-uncle and h., being next br. to the Baron last mentioned. He was sum. to pari. 28 Nov. (1511) 3 Hen. VIII., by writ directed "Btntite Scroope tie Seroopc et Upsall, Ohl'r." He d. s.p. about 1512. ( a ) See p. 84, note "g." (*') His eldest br. Henry had died young, and the next br. John (for many years the h. ap.), who m. Margaret, da. of Thomas, Lord Dacre, rf. s.p. 18 Sep. 1452, but three years before bis father, being bur. in York Minster. His will dat. the day before his death is printed in the Test. Ebor. See p. 84, note " g." (') See p. 89, note "d." ( 4 ! Date of his father's will. (°) See vol. iii, p. 8, note " c," sub " Dacre " for a list of these. ( r ) See p. 90, note " e." ( 8 ) Her issue was doubtless extinct before that date. She gives the chief part of her property to her niece Lucy Browne, afterwards Lucy Cutts. To "Dame Margaret Scrope," a nun of the house of Barking she leaves a gilt cup. ( h j Her issue was but two daughters, of whom (1 ) Mary d. before her in (1499-1500) 15 Hen. VII., and (2) Elizabeth, b. 1502, of whom Glover (who himself d. 1588) in a pedigree compiled bv him, says " Obiit in infantia, et parturieudo, cum ipsa ntisceretur, mater obiit" [Coll. fop. ,t Gen., vol. iv. p. 3041 0) See note " h " above.