Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/96

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94 SEA FIELD. IT 1730. 2. James (Ogii.vy), Earl op Findlater, Earl of, j.-- Seafield, &c. [S.], s. and h., 6. ..bout 1689, d. 9 July 1701. III. 1764. C>. James (Ogilvy), Eahl of Findlater, Earl of Seafif.ld, &o. [S.1 s. and h., 6. about 1714, d. 3 Nov. 1770. IV. 1770. 4. James (Ogii.vy), Earl of Findi.atf.r, Eaiii, of Seafield, tic. [8.], 1st and only surv. s. and h., 6. 10 April 1750 d. s.p. 5 Oct. 1811, when the Earldom of Findlater [1038] ami the Barony of Oyilry of Desktord [1610] became dormant but the other titles devolved under the spec. rem. in their respective creations [ICS'S and 1701] as below. ' ill ill V. 1811. o. Lewis Alexander (Grant, afterwards Grant- OalLVY;, EaRL OF Sf.AFIKLD, VlSCOl'NT ltEIOIIAVEN, I.ORD Odll.VT UP Cullen, and Lord Ogii.vy of Deskford and Cullen [S.1 also, a Bart. [S.], cousin and b.i being 1st s. and h. of Sir James Grant, Bart. [S ], by Jean, only child of Alexander Duff, of Hatton, co. Aberdeen, which James (who a. 18 Feb. 1811, aged 72), was s. and h. of Sir Ludovick Grant, Hart. [S.] (who it. 18 March 1773^, by his second wife, Margaret, elder of the two daughters(") of James (Oull.vv), 5th Kaki. OF Findlater, and 2d Karl of Ska field abovementioned. He was b. 22 M.inb 1707 ; admitted to Line. Inn, 1783 ; an Advocate [S.], 1 7S9 ; M.P. for co. Klgin, 1790-96 ; sue. his father in the Baronetcy [S.] 18 Keb. 1811. and (eight months later, sue. to the peerage [S.1 as above, on the death of his cousin, the Earl of Findlater and Seafield abovementioned, when he assumed the name of Ogilvy after that of Grant. Hed. nnm. 20 Oct. 1840, at Cullen House, co. Banff, in his 74th year. VL 1840. 6. Francis William (Grant, afterwards Ogilvy- GraNt), Earl of Seafield, etc. [S.], next surv. br. and li.,( b ) b. 0 March 1778; entered the army, 1793, becoming a Col. in 1S09: M.P. for Klgin Burghs, 1S02-06: for Inverness Burghs, 1800-07 ; tot Elginshire (in seven Paris.), 1807-32. and for Elginshire and Nairnshire (in three Paris. 1833-40; sue. to tk peerayc[S.]. 26 Oct. I84C ; L. Lieut, of Invernessshire. Rbp. Peer fS], 1841-53. He m. firstly, 20 May 1811, Mary Anne, only da. of John Charles Dunn, nf High,™ House, and of the Island of St. Helena. She, who was 0 March 1795, <f. J7 Feb. 1840. He in. secondly, 17 Aug. 1843. Louisa Emma, 2d da. of Hubert George Mavnsell, of Richmond Place, co. Limerick, by Mabella, da. of Standish GraDV, of Elton, in that county. He d. 30 July 1853, aged 7. r ', at Cullen House afsil. Will pr. Jan. 1856. His widow m. 31 Jan. 1858, Godfrey William Hugh Masskv, Major 10th Heg., who d. 4 June 1802, in Albemarle street. She m. thirdly, 5 July ISO), at Christ Church, Bray, co. Wicklow, Lord Henry-Yorke-Astley Lonts, from whom she was divorced, ami who d. s.p. 28 Feb. 1880, aged 57. She d. 7 Sep. 1884, aged 66, at Grant Lodge, near Klgin. Will sealed in London 7 March 1885, above £8,000. VII. 1853. 7. John Charles (Ogilvy-Grant, formerly Grant), Earl of Seafield, &c. [S.], 3d but 1st surv. a. and h.(M by first wife, b. 4 Sep. 1815, at Cullen House ; styled Viscount Reidii.wbn till he sue. totk others, conform to a signature under his (the King's) Royal hand of the date of these presents." See " Riddell," p. 1,062, who remarks thereon that it is "the moat regular and unexceptionable instance of a peerage granted with a referential limita- tion like that of March in 1697." The rem. of the Earldom of 1701 is to the " other heirs of entail succeeding him in his lands and Baronies." The Earls since 1884 have, howewr, »ot so succeeded, but it is presumed that according to the decision iu 1874 in the Nairne case (see vol. vi, p. 3, note " b "), this is held to be of no importance. (»} Anne, the other da., became Countess of Hopetouu [S.]. and if. 8 Feb. 1759, leaving issue. ( h ) His next elder br., James Thomas Grant, who became a Judge at Furrack- bad, in the Bengal Presidency, d. num. 18 July 1801. (°) Of his elder brothers (1) James Grant, b. 16 April 1812, d. 15 March 1815