Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/170

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154 BERNERS Easter day, 14 Apr. 147 1. He, who was aged 7 at his grandfather's death in 1474, was distinguished as a soldier, a courtier, and an author of considerable note. (^) K.B. 17 Jan. 1477/8. He was sum. to Pari, from 14 Oct. (1495) 1 1 Hen. VII to 9 Aug. (1529) 21 Hen. VIII. (^) In 1513 he was at the capture of Therouenne, and soon after was Marshal of the Earl of Surrey's army in Scotland. In 1 5 1 4 he went to France as Chamberlain to the Princess Mary, wife of Louis XII. Chancellor of the Exchequer 1516-27. In 1 5 1 8 was on an embassy to Spain, and in 1 5 1 9 was at the field of the Cloth of Gold, and in 1520 was Deputy of the town and marches of Calais. He m. Katharine, da. of John (Howard), Duke of Norfolk, by his 2nd wife (whose only child she was), Margaret, da. of Sir John Chedworth.(') He d. at Calais, s.p.m. legit., 19 Mar. 1532/3, and was bur. in the parish church there, aged about 67. Will, dat. 3 Mar. 1532/3, pr. 4 Feb. i533/4.('^) His widow d. 12 Mar. iSiSl^- After his death the Barony() lay dormant for the long period of about two centuries, till its existence was established in 1720. Those who under that decision were entitled to it are as under. (^) He translated Froissari. C") According to Dugdale, " In the 25th Henry VIII, 5 January 1534," the name of " Humphrido Bourchier de Berners, Chel'r," occurs in the writs of summons. This supposed writ, which puzzled Nicolas and other peerage writers, has been proved by J. H. Round to be one of a series of writs for Jan. 1534 concocted by Dugdale. See Peerage Studies, p. 340. V.G. ('^) In Glover's f^isit. of Yorkshire, (ed. 1875, p. 63) he is stated to have been divorced from his ist wife, and to have m. Elizabeth Bacon. This woman was his concubine, and whether he m. her or no, all his issue by her were illegitimate. G. W. Watson's comment is as follows: — "He could not have married her. In his will he beseeches the King's highness to accept in payment of a debt of ^^500 ' after the de- cease of my lady my wief the manners of Houghton Offley and Doxey,' which manors had been settled on Katherine by deed of jointure I May 7 Hen. VII. And ' Kateryne Bourgchier widdow late the wyff of Sir John Bourgchier let. Lord Barnes' held these three Staffordshire manors 8 Apr. 24 Hen. VIII, as appears by her deed of that date. See the documents in Collins, ut supra, pp. 337-8." V.G. {^) Test. Vet. {") According to the usual account, the Barony fell into abeyance, which did not terminate till about 1550, on the death s.p., of the elder da. of the last Lord, viz. Mary, wife of Alexander Unton, of Wadley, Berks. This is incorrect. The manors of Ashwellthorpe, etc., had been settled on Mary by deed dated 10 June 1510, 2 Hen. VIII. Immediately after the last Lord's death, viz. on 24 Mar. (1532/3) 24 Hen. VIII, the King agreed to grant special livery to " Edmund Knyvet esq. and Johane his wife da. and h. of John Bourgchier let. Lord Berners," not only of the manors settled on Joan, but also of those settled on Mary, proving that the latter had died v.p. and s.p. Moreover the settlements made on Alexander Unton's 2nd marriage were dated 14 and 16 July 25 Hen. VIII. (Documents in Collins, ut supra, pp. 340-44; ex inform. G. W. Watson). V.G.