Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/176

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i6o BERTRAM B.,(^) of the same, by Agnes, his wife,(^) was b. 5 Dec. 1224. He iiic. his father in 1242,('=) and having proved his age,() he did homage and had livery of his inheritance, 28 June I246.("=) He had a grant of free warren in his demesne lands in Mitford, Felton, etc., 13 Sep. 1257,0 '3^*^ 'f^ Nov. following, for a reason not stated, the escheator was ordered to take his lands into the King's hand.Q He was sum. cum equis et armis from 17 Jan. (1257/8) 42 Hen. Ill to 6 Mar. (1263/4) 48 Hen. Ill, by writs directed Rogero Bertram de Mitford. He sided with the Barons against the King, and was taken prisoner at Northampton, 3 Apr. I264,(^) but was released soon after, and fought at Lewes 14 May.(^) He was sum. to Pari. 24 Dec. (1264) 49 Hen. Ill, by writ directed Rogero Bertram,(^) which writ, however, having issued in rebellion, should not create a Peerage dignity. (') He alienated nearly all his extensive possessions. () He m. Ida.Q (^) This Roger II wass. and h. of William II (by Alice, sister of Robert d'Umfra- ville, who gave her Great Babington in free marriage — Roger III sold it, 23 June 1262), s. and h. of Roger I (by Ada, his wife), s. and h. of William I, founder of Brinkburn priory (by Hawise, da. of Guy de Balliol, who gave her Stainton in free marriage). {Cartularies of Brinkburn and Newminster, passim: Deeds in Hodgson, ut supra, pp. 24, 26, and in Walbran, Gainford, appendix, no. 35). (*>) Pa/^«/i?«/A, 33Hen. III,/«. 5; 37Hen.III, OT. 2. She was living 20 Aug. 1253. (') The writ to the Sheriff of Northumberland, to take into the King's hand the lands which were of Roger Bertram, was dated 24 May. {Fine Roll, 26 Hen. Ill, pars ii, m. 6). (<') Namely, as 2 1 on the eve of St. Nicholas 30 Hen. III. (Ch. Inq.p. w.. Hen. Ill, file 47, no. 27). (=) Fine Roll, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 6; Patent Roll, m. 3. (*) Charter Roll, 41 Hen. Ill, m. 3: Fine Roll, 42 Hen. Ill, m. 13. (s) H. Knighton, Cfiron., vol. i, p. 243: Annales de IVigornia, p. 450. In con- sequence, his lands were taken into the King's hand, and on 8 May committed to the custody of William de Valence. {Patent Roll, 48 Hen. Ill, pars i, m. 14). C") Hatfield's Survey, Surtees Soc, preface, p. xiv. (*) His namesake, Roger Bertram of Bothal, being now dead (shortly before 27 July 1 262 — Fine Roll, 46 Hen. Ill, m. 6), the addition "de Mitford" was no longer necessary. (') As to the writ of 49 Hen. Ill, see Preface: and as to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage title, see Appendix A in the last volume. V.G. C') He held the barony of Mitford by the service of 5 knights' fees, all of which he sold {Hundred Rolls, vol. ii, p. 23; cf. pp. 17, 20). He also made extensive dona- tions or sales to the monasteries of Brinkburn, Newminster, and Tynemouth: see the cartularies of those houses. On the Close Roll, 3 Edw. I, m. 21, he is described as hav- ing owed many debts to divers Jews, and in the Placita de Quo JVarranto, p. 601, it is stated that the fences of the park of Whytheleye (which he sold) had fallen into decay, when in his possession, by reason of his poverty {per inpotenciam ipsius Rogert). See also Ancient Deeds, A, nos. 4769-73, 6927, and Charter Rolls, 53 Hen. Ill, m. II, 54 Hen. Ill, m. 5. (') He was m. before 3 May 1252 {Charter Roll, 36 Hen. Ill, m. 12), but whether to this Ida or not, does not appear.