Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/191

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BEVERLEY 175 OF Northumberland, tfc, was b. 21 Jan. 1749/50, in the parish of St. Geo., Han. Sq. Ed. at Eton. He was M.P. (Tory) for Northumberland, 1774 to 1786, in which year, by the death of his father, 6 June 1786, he sue. to the Peerage as Lord Lovaine, &'c., the Duice having been so cr. 28 June 1784, with a spec. rem. in favour of this his yr. son. He was one of the English who were detained prisoners in France during hostilities. On 2 Nov. 1 790 he was cr. EARL OF BEVERLEY, co. York. F.S. A. 1 3 Jan. 1820. He ;«., 8 June 1775, (spec, lie.) at Sion House, Islevvorth, Midx., Isabella Susanna (^), sister of Peter, ist Baron Gwydyr, and 2nd da. of Peter Burrell, of Beckenham, Kent, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of John Lewis, of Hackney, Midx. She, who was ^. 19 Dec. 1750, and l^ap. 17 Jan. 1 751, at St. Anne's, Soho, </. in Portman Sq., 24, and was bur. 3 1 Jan. 1 8 1 2, in Westm. Abbey. Will dat. 7 Oct. 1 809, at Northcourt, Isle of Wight, pr. 1 8 Nov. 1 8 1 2. He ^. 2 1 Oct. 1 830, at Le Mans, near Nice,() and was i^ur. in the parish church of St. Marylebone, aged 80. Will pr. Feb. 1 83 1. II. 1830. 2. George (Percy), Earl of Beverley, &'c., s. and h., ^. 22 June 1778. On 12 Feb. 1865, in his 87th year, he sue. his cousin as Duke of Northumberland. See "North- umberland," Dukedom of; cr. 1766, under the 5th Duke. BEWLIE This apparently was only a Scottish territorial lordship, held by the father of James Hay, cr., in 1606, Baron Hay. See "Carlisle," Earl- dom of, cr. 1622, extinct 1660. BEXLEY BARONY. I. Nicholas Vansittart, of Foots Cray Place, Kent, T „ 5th s. of Henry V., M.P., Gov. of Bengal, (who d. Jan. ^ i']1o)(f) by Amelia, da. of Nicholas Morse, Gov. of Q Madras, was ^. 29 Apr. 1766. Ed. at Mr. Gilpin's School, ■^ * Cheam, Surrey; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 29 Mar. 1784, student of Ch. Ch. and B. A. 1787, M. A. 1791; cr. D.C.L. 16 June 1814; (^) She was one of four sisters, of whom the three younger " married some of the greatest noblemen in Britain" [the Earl of Beverley, the Duke of Northumberland, and the Duke of Hamilton], though "never were any women less endowed with uncommon attractions of external form." See Wraxall's Memoirs, vol. iii, pp. 352- 355, where "the rapid elevation of the Burrell family" is set forth. "Toute la famille de Milord Beverley est interessante. Milady est si bonne, si gaie, si douce, et si aimable." (Letter of Mme. de Saussure to Lord John Campbell, 1803). V.G. C') " His Lordship is remarkable for the elegance and suavity of his manners." {Collins, vol. v, p. 287). (^) He was lost, with all hands, in the " Aurora " on his way to Bengal; the ship was last seen 27 Dec. 1769. V.Q.