Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/195

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BLACHFORD 179 BIRLING i.e. " Nevill, of Birling, Kent," Viscountcy (A'ifi;///), see "Aberga- venny," Earldom of, cr. 1784. BIRMINGHAM see BERMINGHAM See " Ward, of Birmingham, co. Warwick," Barony {IVard), cr. 1 664. BLACHFORD OF WISDOME BARONY. Frederick. Rogers, s. and h. of Sir Frederick Leman I. 1871 Rogers, Bart. [1699], of Blachford Park, in the parish of to Cornwood, Devon, by Sophia, da. of Charles Russell 1889. Deare, Lieut. Col. of the Bengal Artillery, b. 31 Jan., and bap. 26 May 181 1, at St. Marylebone; ed. at Eton; matric. at Oxford (Oriel Coll.) 2 July 1828; Craven Scholar, 1829; B.A. and double first class, 1832; Fellow of Oriel Coll., 1833; Vinerian scholar, 1834; M.A., 1835; Vinerian Fellow and B.C.L., 1838; Barrister (Line. Inn), 1837; Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, 1845; Emigration Com- missioner, 1846-60; sue. his father in the Baronetcy 13 Dec. 1851; Commissioner for sale of West Indian estates, 1857; Permanent Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, i86o-7i;() K.C.M.G., 23 June 1869; P.C. 29 June 1 87 1. On 4 Nov. 1 871, he was rr. BARON BLACHFORD OF WlSDOME,(t) Devon. G.C.M.G., 24 May 1883. He m., 29 Sep. 1847, at Dunfermline, co. Fife, Georgiana Mary, da. of Andrew Colville, yoHK^r/y Wedderburn, of Ochiltree and Craigflower, by his 2nd wife, Mary Louisa, da. of William (Eden), ist Baron Auckland. He d. s.p.,21 Nov. i889,() ^^ Blachford Park, aged 78, and was ^«r. at Cornwood, afsd., when (*) A Liberal till 1886, when, remaining a Unionist, he became separated from his party. V.G. C') Wisdom, now and for many years a farmhouse on the Blachford estate, was the designation of the Baronetcy inherited by Lord Blachford from his ancestor, Sir John Rogers, of Wisdom, Bart., so cr. in 1699. G.E.C. This creation appears to have been the first in the meritorious ranks of the Civil Service, but since then Lords Cottesloe and Hammond (1874), Hobhouse and Lin- gen (1885), Thring (1886), Sandford (1891), Farrer (1893), and Welby (1894), have been drawn from that body. Except in the case of Lord Sandford, all these honours were given on the advice of one Minister, Gladstone. V.G. ('^) " He was the most gifted, the most talented and of the most wonderful grasp of mind of any of his contemporaries." (John H. Newman). He was, also, a thoroughly earnest Churchman, of the type of his two friends, Gladstone, the Prime Minister, and Dr. Church, Dean of St. Paul's, and was one of the promoters of The Guardian newspaper. V.G.