Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/247

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BOTELER 231 Pantulf, of Wem. He sue. his father shortly before 3 July 128 i.() He was sum. cum equis et armis, 24 May (1282) 10 Edw. I and 14 Mar. (1282/3) II Edw. I, and to attend the King at Shrewsbury, C") 28 June (1283) II Edw. I, by writs directed fVillelmo le Bottler (or le Botiller) de Wemme. He »«., after 2 Oct. 126 1,() Angharad, da. of Griffith ap Madoc ap Griffith Maelor, Lord of Bromfield, Dinas Bran, and Yale (now CO. IDenbigh), i.e. of Lower Powis, by Emma, da. of Henry Audley, of Heleigh, co. Stafford. He d. shortly before 11 Dec. 1283. ('^) His widow, to whom dower was ordered to be assigned, 8 Feb. i2 83/4,() was living 22 June 1308.0 2. John le Botiler of Wem, s. and h., b. 1 7 July 1 266 or 1 267. ('^) He w., after 18 July 1284,(8) Alianore, da. of Walter de Beauchamp, of Alcester, co. Warwick, Steward of the King's Household. He d. s.p.., shortly before 4 Sep. 1287. C") His widow was b. 11 Nov. 1275. C") Her dower was ordered to be assigned 2 8 Oct. 1287 and 28 May 1 2 8 8 . (') 3. Gawain LEBoTiLERof Wem, nextbr.andh.,^. 2Feb. 1269/70.C') He m. Alice. He d. s.p., shortly before 3 Mar. i289/90.(') Dower was ordered to be assigned to his widow 12 Apr. i290.() She was living 21 Sep. 1334.0 {Close Roll, II Edw. I, m. yd). She ;/. shortly before 6 May 1289, when custody of her lands was given to Walter {Gascon Roll, 17 Edw. I, m. 12). Exch. Inq. p. m., file I, no. 10. (") Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 27, no. 9. C") As to this supposed Pari., see Preface. V.G. (') Licence, at the instance of James d'Alditheleg', for Ankeretta his niece to marry William, s. of Ralph le Botiler, 2 Oct. 1261 {Patent Roll, 45 Hen. Ill, m. 3). {^) Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 39, no. 5. {') Close Roll, 12 Edw. I, m. 9. Robert de Neville had licence to marry her, 10 June 1285 {Patent Roll, 13 Edw. I, m. 16). (') "Sabina que fuit uxor Willelmi le Butiller de Wemme" showed the King that she had recovered her seizin of the third part of a messuage, etc., in Wem, against "Ricardum le Butiller de Wemme," in the King's Court {Originalin, I Edw. II, m. 17, 22 June). If this Sabina is not identical with the Angharad in the text, it is difficult to see who she could have been. (^) Grant to Walter de Beauchamp of John's marriage with Alianore, da. of Walter, 18 July 1284. {Patent Roll, 12 Edw. I, m. 8). C") Fine Roll, 15 Edw. I, m. 5. Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 49, no. 3. (') Close Rolls, 15 Edw. , m. 2; 16 Edw. I, m. J. (') Fine Roll, 18 Edw. I, m. ij. Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 57, no. 3. O') Close Roll, 18 Edw. I, m. 12. 0) In the Inq. of this date on William le Botiler, she is called "Alicia de Monte Gomeri que fuit uxor Gauwyni le Botiler" (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 38, no. 31).