Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/257

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BOTHWELL 241 honours. (^) He was living 7 Sep. 161 IjC") at Naples, but d. probably in 161 2, and certainly before 30 July 16 14. His widow d. at a great age, in 1640, having survived her ist husband 66 years. She was bur. at Eckford. BOTHWELL AND HARTSIDE Archibald Douglas, styled Earl of Douglas (s. and h. ap. of William, Marquess of Douglas [S.]), was on 3 Apr. i 65 i , cr. EARL OF ORMOND, LORD BOTHWELL AND HARTSIDE [S.], with a spec. rem. See "Ormond" Earldom of [S.], cr. 1651, resigned 1661 for the Earldom of Forfar [S.]. BOTHWELLHAUGH see ABERBROTH WICK BOTILER or BUTILLER see BOTELER BOTREAUX BARONY BY i. William de Botreaux,Q s. and h. of William de WRIT. B-)0 of Botreaux Castle, otherwise Boscastle, Cornwall, T ,» Sheriff of Cornwall (who d. 22 July 1349), by Isabel, yr. •^ ' da. and coh. of Sir John Moels [Lord Moels], of North Cadbury, Somerset, and East Berkhampstead, Herts, was b. I Sep. 1337, at Botylet, in Lanreath, Cornwall; had livery of his lands 27 Sep. 1359, having pr. his age; was in the expedition to Saxony that year, and subsequently (1380) was in that (to Portugal) against Spain. He was sum. to Pari, from 24 Feb. (1367/8) 42 Edw. 111(0 ^'^ ^^ Sep. (1390) 14 Ric. 1I,(*) by writs directed Willelmo de Botreaux^ whereby he may be ("") His eldest s., Francis Stewart, i. 1584, rehabilitated 1614, rfl/Z/^ft^by Pari. 1633, obtained recovery, by decreet arbitral of Charles I, of some of the family estates, which he sold to the Wintoun family. He w., 2 Aug. 1614, Isobel Seton, widow of James, Earl of Perth, da. of Robert, Ist Earl of Wintoun. He d. 1639. Admon. 21 Apr. 1640. His only s. and h., Charles Stewart, b. '^ Jan. and bap. 7 Feb. 161 8/9, at Tranent, was served his h. 20 Apr. 1647, and is stated to have been a trooper in the Civil Wars, and to have d. in England, after the battle of Worcester. C") " The Earl Bothwell hath been layde up all this summer in ye surgeons handes in Naples, and is paste doing any hurte, though hee want not malice." (Sir Dudley Carleton to Sir J. Digbye, 7 Sep. 161 1). V.G. (■=) "The family doubtless came from Lei Bottereaux., near Evreux." See Lower's Family Names. {^) He was s. of Reynold de B. {d. 1346), s. of William {d. c. 1342), s. of William {d. 1302), s. of Reynold [d. 1273). V.G. (') So adjudged by the House of Lords, i Aug. 1871. For a list of the only re- cognized Parliaments (down to 1500) which furnish a date of origin for Baronies by writ now (1911) existing, see vol. vi, Appendix G. (') It is erroneously stated in Dugdale that he was sum. to Pari, until 15 Ric. II, but it is clear that the writ of that year, 7 Sep. 1391, was directed to his son. As to how far these early Writs of Summons did in fact create any Peerage title, see Appendix A in the last volume, V.G. 32