Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/259

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BOTREAUX 243 1st wife, is stated to have been aged over 40 at her father's death. ("") She m. Robert (Hungerford), 2nd Lord Hungerford, who d. 14 May 1459. She i/. 7 Feb. 1477/8, and was i^ur. with her husband, in Salisbury Cathe- dral. Inq.p.m. 1478-9. See fuller account under "Hungerford," Barony, tr. 1426. V. 1478. 5. yip^KY, suo jure Baroness Botreaux, great-grand- child and h., being da. and h. of Thomas Hungerford, attainted and executed 1468, by Anne, da. of Henry (Percy), Earl of Northumberland, which Thomas was s. and h. of Robert (Hungerford), Lord Hungerford and Moleyns, attainted and executed 1463, the said Robert being s. and h. of Robert, Lord Hungerford, by Margaret, suo jure Baroness Botreaux abovenamed.C") This Mary, b. about 1468, w., after 8 June 1478, when her marriage and custody during minority were granted to her future father-in-law, Edward Hastings (s. and h. of William, Lord Hastings of Hastings), who, doubtless owing to such marriage, was, v.p., sum. to Pari, as Lord Hastings of Hungerford in 1482; although the attainders of the last Lord Hungerford and his son were not reversed i 1485. After that reversal the Baroness Botreaux became (by inheritance) suo jure Baroness Hungerford and Baroness de Mo- leyns. (') Lord Hastings d. 8 Nov. 1506. His widow m., in 15 11, Sir Richard Sacheverell, and d. between 1528 and 153 1/2. See fuller account under "Hastings of Hastings," Barony, cr. 1461. VL 1530? 6. George (Hastings), Lord Hastings of Hast- ings [1461] and Lord Hastings of Hungerford [1482], s. and h., by ist husband, who had already, on 8 Nov. 1506, sue. his father in that Barony, and who sue. to his mother's Baronies at her death, as Lord Botreaux, Lord Hungerford and Lord MoLEYNS. On 8 Dec. 1529, he was cr. Earl of Huntingdon. He d. 24 Mar. 1545. VIL 1545' 7- Francis (Hastings), Earl of Huntingdon, Lord Botreaux, Gfc, s. and h., d. 22 June 1560. Vin. 1560. 8. Henry (Hastings), Earl of Huntingdon,! ^ 1^ Lord Botreaux, fe^c, s. and h., d. s.p.^ 14 Dec. 1595. V] c IX. 1595- 9- George (Hastings), Earl of Huntingdon, Lord Botreaux, ^'c, br. and h., d. 31 Dec. 1604. r/) n n D

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3 ex n v£> (*) See her father's Inq. p. m.; she must in fact have been over 50. Dates of birth drawn from these statements in inquisitions are almost worthless except perhaps as indicating a minimum age. V.G. C') Theseattaindersof persons who thelifetimeofthe /ate [1462-77] Baroness Botreaux would not affect the transmission of her peerage to their descendants. See under "Atholl," vol. i, p. 319, note "c." (') See note sub Edward, Lord Hastings of Hastings [1483].