Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/315

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BRENTFORD 299 BRENNY i.e. " Brenny," Earldom [I.] {O'Reilly), intended to be cr. 1 541, but no patent passed. See O'Reilly, Earldom [I.], 27 May 1541. BRENTFORD EARLDOM. I. Patrick. RuTHVEN, 2nd s. of William RuTHVEN, of Bal- lindean (who^.july 1 603), byKatharine, da. of John(STEWART), I. 1644 4th Lord Innermeath, which William was s. of another to William R. of the same, ayr. s. of William, ist Lord Ruth- 1651. VEN [S.], was i^. about 1573. He entered the Swedish army, being Capt. in 1615; Col. 1630; Major Gen. 1632; Lieut. Gen. and Col. of a Reg. of Horse 1635. -^^ "^^^ knighted 23 Sep. 1627, by Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, who made him Gov. of Ulm on its surrender, 1632. He was cr. Count of Kirchberg, in Germany, Apr. 1632. In 1639 he was made Muster Master Gen. of the army [S.], and Gov. of Edinburgh Castle, which he held for the King till 19 Sep. 1640, when forced, though on honourable conditions, to surrender. In 1639 he was cr. LORD RUTHVEN OF ETTRICK [S.], and, on 27 Mar. 1642, EARL OF FORTH [S.]. He joined the King at Shrewsbury in that year, and, on the death of the Earl of Lindsey, had the chief command at the battle of Edgehill, in Oct. 1642, being then made Marshal Gen. and Com. in chief of the Royal army; Col. of a Reg. of Foot, i^c. Having defeated the Pari, forces at Brentford, 1 5 Nov. 1 642, he was in commemora- tion thereof, cr., 27 May 1644, EARL OF BRENTFORD, Midx.(^) In the same year he was made Councillor and Lord Chamberlain to the young Prince of Wales. It is stated () that in consideration of his resigning his post as Gen. in chief (in which Prince Rupert sue. him in Nov. 1644) he was cr. Marquess of Thames [. Thame], but no docquet of such creation remains. P.C. 30 Apr. 1645, re-sworn 12 July 1649. (") Lord Chamberlain to Charles II when in exile, Feb. 1648/9. Envoy5 to Stockholm 1649. ^^ ^-i istly, a lady unknown. He tn., 2ndly, Jane, sister of Col. John Henderson. He m., 3rdly, in 1633, Clara, da. of John Berner, of Saskendorff and Ventzin, in Mecklenburg, by Anna, da. of ( — ) Dyer- LiNCK. He (/. s.p.m., 2 Feb. 1650/1, "almost unnoticed," at Dundee, and was hur. at Monifieth, aged about 77, when all his honours became extinct.(^) (^) The only record of this creation is in Black's Docquets of Letters Patent in the years 1642-46; Commissioners having been ordered by the Parliament to cancel and deface all Patents conferring honours after 4 Jan. 1 64 1. V.G. (•>) Spalding, vol. ii, p. 245. V.G. i^) On 26 Mar. 1645 he was granted an honourable augmentation of his arms. C^) His gallantry in the field, and his power, when winebibbing, of retaining his faculties while extracting secrets from others, made him invaluable. See Harte's Life of Gustavus Adolphus. Lord Clarendon says of him, " He had been without doubt a very good officer and had great experience [in another place, he says ' in the field