Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/335

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BRIDPORT 319 On 29 Jan. 1873, he jz/it. his mother as Duke of Bronte in Sicily. Pres. of the Royal Agric. Soc. 1875; a Lord in Waiting 1884-1901 ;(^) K.C.B. (civil) 22 July 1885; G.C.B. (civil) 23 Oct. 1891. He m., 2 Aug. 1838, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Mary Penelope, 2nd da. of Arthur Blundell Sandys Trumbull (Hill), 3rd Marquess of Downshire [I.], by Maria, da. of Other Hick- man (Windsor), 5th Earl of Plymouth. She, who was b. 3 Sep. 18 17, d. 15 July 1884, at 12 Wimpole Str. He d. at the Royal Lodge, Windsor Park, 4, and was bur. 10 June 1904, at Cricket St. Thomas, aged 89. Will pr. over ^^3,000 gross and ;^2,ooo net-C') [Arthur Wellington Alexander Nelson Hood, ist s. and h. ap., b. 15 Dec. 1839; Capt. Com. the 57th Foot 1857-70; M.P. (Conservative) for West Somerset 1868-83; C.B. (Civil) 10 May 1892. He m., 4 Apr. 1872, Maria Georgina Julia, sister of Henry Edmund (Fox-Strangways), 5th Earl of Ilchester, only da. of the Hon. John George Charles Fox- Strangways, by Amelia, 3rd da. of Edward Marjoribanks. Having sue. to the Peerage after 22 Jan. 1901, he is, as such, outside the scope of this work.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 3,103 acres in Somerset, 2,356 in Dorset, and 53 in Devon. Total, 5,512 acres, worth ;(^8,098 a year. Principal Residence in 191 1: Castello di Maniace, Bront6, Sicily. (") BRIDLINGTON, see BURLINGTON BRIENE (see also under BRYAN) i.e. "Briene," Viscountcy [S.] (TiTfrr), or. 1701 with the Marquessate OF Lothian [S,], which see. BRIMPSFIELD or BRYMESFELD See " Giffard (of Brimpsfield)," sum. 12()^, forfeited 1322. (^) He followed Viscount Torrington as the non-political Lord-in-Waiting to Queen Victoria, not retiring with his colleagues on a change of Ministry. He held this office till the Queen's death, being succeeded by Lord Suffield, whoheld it through- out the reign of Edward VH. V.G. O") In 1901 he was compelled (owing to the rascality of his solicitor, who had robbed him on an enormous scale) to sell Cricket St. Thomas, near Chard, in Somerset, and practically all his English estates, to F. J. Fry, the well-known chocolate manufacturer. V.G. f) The picturesque and fertile Sicilian property, with its large orange orchards, high up the slopes of Etna, is (191 1) the only landed estate left to Lord Bridport. V.G.