Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/339

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BRISTOL 323 Hall) 5 July i684.() On 27 May 1694 he sue. his father (who ^. aged 69) in the family estates, and as Hereditary High Steward of Bury St. Edmunds. He was M.P. (Whig) for Bury St. Edmunds 1 694-1 703, C") when, some- what unexpectedlyjC^) on 23 Mar. 1702/3, he was cr. BARON HERVEY OF ICKWORTH, Suffolk. He was cr. LL.D. Cambridge, 16 Apr. 1 705, and, having been a zealous supporter of the succession of the House of Hanover, was, on 19 Oct. 1 7 14, fr. EARL OF BRISTOL. (<*) Hem., istly, I Nov. 1688, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields (lie. Vic. Gen., he 23, and she 19), Isabella, sister and h. of Sir Edward Carr, Bart., and da. of Sir Robert Carr, Bart., of Sleaford, co. Lincoln, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir John Bennet. She, who was i?. 20 Jan.() 1669/70, t/. in childbed, 7, and was i>ur. 16 Mar. 1692/3, at Ickworth. M.I. He m., 2ndly, 25 July 1695, at Boxted Hall, Suffolk, Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir Thomas Fel- TON, Bart., of Playford Hall, Suffolk, by Elizabeth, 3rd da. and coh. of James (Howard), 3rd Earl of Suffolk, Lord Howard de Walden. She was a Lady of the Bedchamber to Caroline, the Queen Consort, both as Queen and when Princess of Wales. After having given birth to 1 1 sons and 6 daughters, she, who was L 18 Dec.('=) 1676, d'. of a fit, in her sedan chair in St. James's Park, i , and was /^«r. 9 May 1 741, at Ickworth. (*). M.I. Will dat. 5 Dec. 1740, pr. 8 May 1741. He ^.20, and was l>ur. 27 Jan. 1750/1, at Ickworth, aged 86.(») M.I. "Will dat. i Dec. 1750, pr. 23 Feb. 1750/1. (^) His diary from 1688 to 1742 was published in 1894, and the dates given therein have been adopted. V.G. C') He was one of the dissentient Whigs who, under Pulteney, opposed Walpole. V.G. (•=) The famous Duchess of Marlborough in her ^^ Conduct" vrrites: "I never was concerned in making any Peer but one, and that was my Lord Hervey, 1 had made a promise to Sir Thomas Felton that if her Majesty should ever make any new Lords I would certainly use my influence that Mr. Hervey should be one. When the Queen had resolved to create four Peers, Granville, Guernsey, Gower, and Conway, I wrote to Lord Marlborough and Lord Godolphin that if they did not endeavour to get Mr. Hervey made a Peer I neither would, nor could, shew my face anymore. The thing was done purely at my request and at a time when affairs at Court ran so violently against the whole party of Whigs that Mr. Hervey had laid aside all hopes of the Peerage." () This was one of the 14 peerages er. at the Coronation, 20 Oct. 17 14, of George I. For a list of Coronation peerages see Appendix F in this volume. As to this title, see note sub Thomas, Earl of Derby [1485]. V.G. (=■) Lord Bristol's Diary. (*) " The Countess has come out a new creature, .... is grown young, blooming, coquette and gallant; and to show she is fully sensible of the errors of her past life, and resolved to make up for time misspent, she has two lovers at a time." (Lady Mary Montagu, 1723). V.G. (8) Lord Hervey (Memoirs, vol. ii, p. 439) says of him: — " He is a judicious, dis- passionate, just, humane, and thoroughly amiable man, and has lived long enough in the world to have this character of him (though given by his son) uncontroverted by anyone else." The writer speaks of his mother's understanding in a less flattering manner. V.G.