Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/400

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n 84 BUCHAN successor, who made him an allowance of ^^500 p.a.{^) In 1894 he was adjudged bankrupt for /'388. He m., istly, 27 Apr. 1849, Agnes Graham, da. of James Smith, of Craigend, co. Stirling. She d. 1 Sep. 1875. He»2., 2ndly, 17 July 1876, Maria, widow of Jervoise Collas, of St. Martin's House, Jersey, da. of William James. He d. 3 Dec. 1898, aged 83, at Gloucester House, Shepperton. He had become a Roman Catholic. C") His widow d. 11 Aug. 1899, in her 82nd year. XXVII. 1898. 14. Shipley Gordon Stuart (Erskine), Earl of BucHAN [1469], Lord Auchterhouse [1469], and Lord Cardross [1606] [S.], s. and h. by ist wife, b. I'j Feb. 1850; ed. at Har- row. He W7., 9 Nov. 1876, at St. Luke's, Maidenhead, Rosalie Louisa, yst. da. of Jules Alexander Sartoris, of Hopsford Hall, near Coventry. [Ronald Douglas Stuart Mar Erskine, styled Lord Cardross after 1898, b. 6 Apr. 1878. Sometime Lieut. Scots Guards.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 2,995 ^cres in co. Linlith- gow and 76 in Midlothian. Total, 3,071 acres, valued at ;^5,758 a year. Principal Residence. — Kirkhill, co. Linlithgow. Isote. — The original estates became separated from the title in i857.('^) BUCHANAN i.e. "Graham and Buchanan," Marquessate [S.] (Graham), see " Montrose," Dukedom of [S.], cr. 1707. BUCKHURST BARONY. I. Sir Thomas Sackville was, on 8 June 1567, cr. BARON OF BUCKHURST, Sussex. On 13 Mar. 1. 1567. 1603/4, he was cr. Earl of Dorset, both which dignities became extinct, on the death of the 5th Duke of Dorset, who was the nth Baron Buckhurst, on 29 July 1843. See "Dorset," Earldom of, cr. 1603/4; extinct 1843. (*) Before succeeding to the title he earned his living as a jockey. V.G. C') For a list of peers and peeresses who have joined this faith since 1850, see vol. iii, Appendix G. V.G. (') See note "b" on previous page.