Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/425

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BUCKINGHAM 409 Steward of the Household. He ?»., i6 Apr. 1796, at Westmorland Chapel, Marylebone, Anna Elizabeth, de jure{^) Baroness Kinloss [S.], 2nd but only surv. da. and h. of James (Brydges), Duke of Chandos, by his 2nd wife, Anne Eliza, da. of Richard Gamon.() She d. at Stowe, 15, and was bur. 24 May 1836, at Avington, Hants, aged 56. Will pr. Nov. 1836. He d. also at Stowe, 17, and was bur. 25 Jan. 1839, at Wotton Underwood afsd., in his 63rd year.() Will pr. May 1839. DUKEDOM. II. MARQUESSATE III. 2 and 3. Richard Plantagenet (Tem- ple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville), Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, Mar- ^^' QUESS OF Buckingham, i^c., also Earl Nugent [I.], and also, de jure,Q) (since his mother's death in 1836), Lord Kinloss [S.], only s. and h., b. and bap. 11 Feb. 1797, at Stowe. Ed. at Eton; matric. at Oxford (Oriel Coll.) 25 Nov. 18 15; M.P. (Tory) for Bucks (under the ^/yZ? of Earl Temple, and, from Feb. 1822, of Marquess of Chandos) 1818-39, being considered the leader of the landed interest in the House of Common s.('^) High Steward of Winchester; G.C.H. (Civil) 1835; F.S.A. 30 Apr. 1840; Lord Privy Seal, Sep. 1841 to Feb. i842;('=) P.C. 3 Sep. 1841; K.G. 11 Apr. 1842. By a system of accumulating estates purchased with borrowed money, and by excessive ex- penditure, he, within 8 years of his succession, became a ruined man.O He tn., 13 May 18 19, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Mary, 2nd and yst. da. of (whose issue became coh. to) John (Campbell), ist Marquess of Breadalbane, by Mary Turner, da. and coh. of David Gavin, of Langton. He d. 29 July 1 861, at the Great Western Hotel, Paddington, Midx, aged 64. tolerably cheap. I see no objection to a Dukedom in the head of the Grenville family, but I see many to giving it to the actual blubber head who now reigns over them." He had a ludicrously exaggerated notion of his own capacity and conse- quence. V.G. (^) According to the decision of the House of Lords, 21 July 1868. (*") This match was proposed by the Duchess to the Marquess of Buckingham in Apr. 1786, when the young couple were aged, he 10 and she 6. V.G. (^) He was a great collector of rare engravings, some of which were sold by auction a few years before his death, the sale lasting 30 days and consisting of no less than 4,058 lots, but a magnificent collection remained unsold. C) He was the proposer of the Chandos Clause in the Reform Bill of 1832, conferring the franchise in counties on ^^50 tenants at will. V.G. if) He resigned on Peel introducing his scheme for a sliding scale of duties on corn, which he recognised as the beginning of the end of the Corn Laws. For the great offices of State see Appendix D to this volume. V.G. (*) Beside the vast amount of landed property sold by his creditors, the whole of the contents (pictures, heirlooms, iffc.) of the mansion at Stowe, were disposed of in 40 days' sale, Aug. to Oct. 1848, realising but ^75,562. The lock of hair of Mary (Tudor), Queen of France and Duchess of Suffolk, fetched only £"] los. S3,