Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/47

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BATHURST 31 1812-27; cr. D.C.L., Oxford, i6 June 1814; Elder Brother of the Trin. House 1823-34; el. and inv. K.G. 24, inst. 26 July 1817; Lord President of the Council, 1828-30. He ;«., i Apr. 1789, (spec, lie.) Georgiana,(*) sister of Charles, 4th Duke of Richmond, and 3rd and yst. da. of Qzn. Lord George Henry Lennox, by Louisa, da. of William Henry (Kerr), 4th Marquess of Lothian [S.]. He d. 27 July 1834, in Arlington Str., aged 72, and was bur. in Kensal Green cemetery, but removed to Cirencester. Will pr. Sep. i834.() His widow, who was b. at Goodwood, Sussex, 6 Dec. 1765, d. in Charles Str., Berkeley Sq., 20, and was bur. 22 Jan. 1 841, at Cirencester. Will pr. Mar. 1841. IV. 1834. 4. Henry George (Bathurst), Earl Bathurst, ^c, s. and h., b. 24 Feb. 1790; styled Lord Apsley until 1834. Ed. at Eton; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 21 Oct. 1808; B.A., 1 811; M.A., 1 8 14; cr. D.C.L., 14 June 1820; M.P. (Tory) for Weobley, Jan. to Sep. 18 12; for Cirencester, 1812-34. A Commissioner of the India Board, 18 12-18. He d. unm. at Cirencester, 25 May, and was bur. there I June 1866, aged 76. V. 1866. 5. William Lennox (Bathurst), Earl Bathurst, iifc., br. and h., b. 14 Feb. 1791. Matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 21 Oct. 1808, on the same day as his elder br. abovenamed; Fellow of All Souls' Coll., and B.A., 18 12; M.A., 18 17; cr. D.C.L. 21 June 1870; M.P. (Tory) for Weobley, 18 12-16; Dep. Teller of the Exchequer, 1816-30; Barrister (Line. Inn) 1821; Commissioner for Victualling the Navy 1825-29; Joint Secretary to the Board of Trade, 1830-47; Joint Clerk of the Privy Council, 1830-60. He d. unm., 24 Feb. 1878, in Half Moon Str., Midx., in his 8 8th year.(") (*) She had previously been engaged to the unfortunate Lord Edward Fitz Gerald. Lady Sarah Lennox thus describes her in 1780. " Georgina is rather little, and strongly made. She has little eyes, no eyebrows, a long nose, even teeth, and the merriest effaces. She has wit, power of satire, and goodnature." V.G. A portrait of her was painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence, R.A. V.G. (•>) "He was a very amiable man and with a good understanding, though his talents were far from brilliant. A High Churchman and a High Tory, but a cool politician, a bad speaker, a good writer, greatly averse to changes, but unwillingly acquiescing in many. He was nervous and reserved, with a good deal of humour, and habitually a jester." {Greville Memoirs, vol. iii, p. 1 15). " He seems too much to have indulged in a life of indolence, for his friends speak of him as a man of superior talents, of which, however, he has not given the world much opportunity to form a judgment. He is said to be sagacious and sarcastic: full of acute sense and cutting humour." (Sir Egerton Brydges, Biographi- cal Peerage). Lady Louisa Stuart says that he was the last man to wear a pigtail, and that in 1828 he cut it off, and sent it round in an official box to his ministerial colleagues. V.G. C^) " Everyone who went about London in the seventies will remember the dyed locks and crimson velvet waistcoat of William, fifth Earl Bathurst." {fiollectiom and Recollections, lS()S). V.G.