Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/476

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460 CABERSTON /.^. "Lord OF Linton AND Caberston" [S.] (Stuart), cr. 1633, with the Earldom of Traquair [S.], which see; dormant 1861, CADOGAN CADOGAN OF READING, and CADOGAN OF OAKLEY BARONY. I. William Cadogan, ist s. of Henry C, of Lis- I /- carton, co. Meath, Barrister at Law {d. in Dubhn, 1 3 Jan. ' 1 7 14/5), by Bridget, da. of Sir Hardress Waller, was -. b. in 1672, at Liscarton afsd. ; ent. Trin. Coll. Dublin, ' ' 28 Mar. 1687, aged 15; entered the army; Col. 1694; . 1718. Col. of the 7th HorseC) 1703-12; Brig. Gen. 1704; Major Gen. 1706; Lieut. Gen. 1709, and served in the EARLDOM. wars in Flanders, distinguishing himself at Schellenberg, T „ andat Blenheimin 1704, atRamillies in i7o6,at Oudenarde ' in 1708, at the siege of Menin and the battle of Malplaquet y- in 1709; and at the siege of Bouchain in 17 11. He was ' ■ Lieut, of the Tower of London, 1706-13, but, sharing the lot of his old commander, Marlborough, he in 17 12 resigned all his appointments. He was M.P. (Whig) for Woodstock, 1705-16. Envoy to Hanover, 1706. Envoy to the Hague, 1707-10 and again in Oct. 17 14. Master of the Robes to George I, 17 14 till his death. Ambassador to the Hague 17 14-16, and 1716-20. Col. of the Coldstream Foot Guards, 1714-22; Gov. of the Isle of Wight, 1715 till his death; Commander in Chief of the Forces in Scotland, Feb. to May 17 16. On 21 June 1 716, he was cr. BARON CADOGAN OF READING, co. Berks.C') K.T. 29 June 1716. High Steward of Reading, 171 6; P.C. 30 Mar. 17 17; Gen. of all the Foot, 1717. On 8 May 171 8, he was cr. BARON CADOGAN OF OAKLEY, co. Buckingham, VISCOUNT CAVERSHAM, co. Oxford, and EARL CADOGAN, co. Denbigh,^) (^) Known as '■'■CadogarCs Hone" and now (19 12) the 5th Dragoon Guards. C") The preamble to each creation is given in Collim, vol. v, pp. 414 and 416.