Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/489

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CAITHNESS 473 EARLDOM [S.] i. Thorfinn, Jarl of Orkney in the Kingdom of Norway, was EARL OF CAITHNESS [S.], holding L 1030? " undoubtedly the entire Earldom of Caithness for a long period." He was s. and h. of Sigurd (the Second) also Jarl of Orkney, by a da. of Malcolm II, King of Scotland, and was 5 years old at his father's death in 1014, when he was sent to the King, his maternal grandfather abovenamed, who bestowed on him Caithness and Sutherland with the title of Earl. On Malcolm's death, 1034, he disputed the right to the throne [S.] with Duncan, s. of an elder da. of that King. Joining with Macbeth, Mormaer of Moray, he obtained, after Duncan's murder (1040) dominion over the whole of the north of Scotland, during Macbeth's usurpation of the Crown [S.]. He tn. Ingebiorge, da. of Jarl Finn Arnason. He d. about 1056. His widow ;«., as ist wife, Mal- colm III, King of Scotland (1058 to 1093), and d. before 1070. MoDDAN, described as sister's Kali Hundason [} Duncan I], King of Scotland, s. of Crinan, lay Abbot of Dunkeld, fought against Thorfinn, and is stated to have been made EARL OF CAITHNESS shortly after 1034, on the refusal of Thorfinn to pay tribute. He was killed in his camp at Thorsa by Thorkell.(^) II. 1056.' 2 and 3. Paul and Erlend, 7ar/j (j/"Or-^«^jy, and Earls of Caithness [S.], the two sons of the above, "ruled jointly C') without dividing the Earldoms." The descendants of each appear also to have, for the most part, ruled jointly, and are here distinguished by the mark of * and + respectively. III. 1080. 3 and 4. * Hako (s. of Paul) and -^ Magnus (s. of Erlend), Jarls of Orkney and Earls of Caithness [S.], divided the islands between them, each bearing the title of Earl. "The latter was the Great Earl known as St. Magnus. After his death s.p.. Earl Hakon appears to have possessed the whole." IV. 1 1 lo.' 5. * Harald Slettmali, Jarl of Orkney and Earl of Caithness [S.], s. of the above Earl Hakon "appears to have held the whole of Caithness from the King of Scots" though the Ork- neys were divided between him and his br. Paul, next hereafter named. if) See Scots Peerage, whence this account is taken. V.G. (^) " A trace of Norse laws and usages continuing a few years after the mainland ceased to be under Norse rule." (G. Burnett, sometime Lyon).

  • Descendants of Earl Paul are so marked.

-{■ Descendants of Earl Erlend are so marked. 61