Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/537

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CANNING 521 Postmaster Gen., 1853-55; Gov. Gen. of India, 1855-62 (being the first Viceroy), during which period the Indian Mutiny took place. (*) G.C.B., 31 Mar. 1859. On 21 May 1859, he was cr. EARL CANNING ;(") Harleian Trustee of the Brit. Museum, and Ranger of Greenwich Park, both i860 till his death; K.S.I. 25 June 1861; K.G. 21 May 1862. He w., 5 Sep. 1835, Charlotte, ist da. and coh. of Charles (Stuart), Baron Stuart de Rothesay, by Elizabeth Margaret, da. of Philip (Yorke), Earl of Hardwicke. She, who was b. in Paris, 31 Mar. 1817, and was one of the Ladies of the Bedchamber 1842-55, d. (of jungle fever) at Calcutta 18, and was bur. 19 Nov. 1861, at Barrackpore.(°) He d. s.p., in Grosvenor Sq., Midx., 17, and was bur. 21 June 1862, in Westm. Abbey, aged 49, when all his honours became extinct.{f) Will pr. 5 Aug. 1862, under ;^2 50,000. (^) On hearing that he was to succeed him as Gov. Gen. of India, Lord Dalhousie writes, 6 Aug. 1855: — "Canning has plenty of ability — he has long been in office — he will work when it is requisite. His manners will please here, and he will do the externals of the office exceedingly well. He does not speak well, but that is not required here." A few days later he writes, " If times are quiet, I believe he will do very well indeed." Again, on 22 Mar. 1857, ^^ writes, "Though everybody likes and has a kind word for Canning, they don't think him a strong G. G." " He was slow of intellect, as I found when I had to coach him for the debate on the Oxford University Bill. In the Cabinet his opinionativeness gave trouble, and it was under- stood that he had been sent to India, then perfectly quiet, to get him out of the way." {^Reminiscences, by Goldwin Smith, 19 10, p. 204). V.G. C") "I have not a thought of changing my name; in fact I am rather low at leaving the Viscounts, whom I have always looked upon as a more select caste than the Earls." (Lord C, 24 May 1859). V.G. (') She, and her sister Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford, form the subject of Augustus Hare's Tivo Noble Lives. She is spoken of as having been " perfectly lovely from infancy." V.G. (<') Harriet, Marchioness of Clanricarde [I.], his only sister [b. 13 Apr. 1804; d. 8 Jan. 1876) was his heir. Her only surv. s., Hubert, Marquess of Clanricarde [I.], took the final surname of Canning in compliance with the testamentary direction of his uncle, the said Earl. 67