Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/543

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527 APPENDIX B THE ORDER OF THE GARTER The first edition of Complete Peerage contained a list of Garter Missions {sub Cathcart) and numerous notes on the Order scattered through the volumes. It had been the present Editor's intention to gather these materials together in the form ot an Appendix under the above title, but a scrutiny of the text showed that the nominations attributed to many peers were in- accurate, and that in several respects the whole subject required reconsidera- tion. With some hesitation he decided to print a complete list of Knights in addition to the other items of information concerning the Order here given, and Dr. Shaw and his pubHshers very readily gave permission to reprint from The Knights ofEnglandtht continuation of the list from the point where Beltz's list ends. That he has not had to avail himself of Dr. Shaw's kindness in no sense lessens the obligation which the Editor feels for the courtesy shown. He also desires to thank W. H. Weldon, Clarenceux King of Arms, for supplying the nominations from No. 828, and tor continuing the list of Missions up to date. The task of giving the list of Knights in its present form would have proved impossible but for the help generously afforded by the Rev. A. B. Beaven, who has been at infinite pains to revise and annotate the nominations, successions and degradations, has written the introduction which prefaces the list and has compiled the Representation of the Order in various families, and the Creations of Knights under various Ministries. To G. W. Watson also the Editor is much indebted for revising the names, st^des, and dates of death of the foreign recipients of the Order. INTRODUCTION In preparing a chronological list of the Knights of the Garter from the foundation of the Order to the present time, the Editor has followed the plan adopted by Beltz {Memorials of the Order of the Garter) and by Dr.