Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/585

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APPENDIX B 569 633. Francis (Seymour-Conway, afterwards Ingram-" Seymour-Conway), Marquess of Hertford. Norn, and inv. 18 July 1807; inst. by dispensation 31 Mar. 18 12 -vice 585, 597 634. William (Lowther), Earl of Lonsdale. Nom. and inv. 18 July 1807; inst. by dispensation 31 Mar. 18 12 635. Richard, Marquess Wellesley [I.], Lord Wellesley. [619] Nom. and inv. 3 Mar. 18 10; inst. by dispensation 31 Mar. 18 12 626. Charles (Lennox), Duke of Richmond and Lennox. ' [631] Nom. 26 Mar., received the ensigns at Dublin Castle 7 Apr., having been inst. by dispensation 31 Mar. 18 12 . ^ _ 637. James (Graham), Duke of Montrose [S.], Earl 3 » 5 9 Graham. [589] Nom. and inv. 26, inst. by dispensation 31 Mar. 1 8 12 638. Francis (Rawdon-Hastings), Earl of Moira [L], Lord Rawdon, later Marquess of Hastings. [598] Nom. and inv. 12, inst. by dispensa- tion 13 June 1 8 12 639. Henry (Pelham-Clinton), Duke of Newcastle. [617] Nom. and inv. 19, inst. by dispensation 22 June 18 12 640. Arthur (Wellesley), Marquess, later Duke of Wellington. [607] Nom. 4 Mar., received the ensigns at Freneda in Portugal 6 May 18 13; inst. by dispensation 19 Apr. 18 14 1641. Alexander I, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias. Nom. by virtue of a special statute 27 July 18 13; inv. at Toplitz in Bohemia 27 Sep. following; inst. by dispensation 19 Apr. 1814; ^. 19 Nov./i Dec. 1825 1 642. Louis XVIII, King of France. Declared to be nom. by virtue of a special statute 21 Apr. 18 14; inv. at Carlton House on that day, and inst. by dispensation the same day; d. 16 Sep. 1824 1643. Franz I, Emperor of Austria. Declared to be nom. by virtue of a special statute 9 June 18 14; inv. at Vienna 21 Sep., and inst. by dis- pensation 27 Dec. following; d. 2 Mar. 1835 1644. Friedrich Wilhelm III, King of Prussia. Declared to be nom. by virtue of a special statute 9 June 18 14; inv. at Carlton House, and inst. by dispensation the same day; d. 7 June 1840

  • 645. Robert (Jenkinson), Earl of Liverpool. Declared to be

nom. by virtue of a special statute 9 June 18 14; knighted and inv. the same day, and inst. by dispensation 28 June following; became an ordinary Knight 29 Aug. 18 15 [vice 630]

  • 646. Robert (Stewart), styled Viscount Castlereagh, later Marquess

of Londonderry [I.]. Declared to be nom. and inv. 9, and inst. by dispen- sation 28 June 1 8 14; became an ordinary Knight 29 Jan. 18 17 [vice 588] ■|"647. Fernando VII, King of Spain. Declared to be nom. by virtue of t See note marked thus on page 567.

  • Those marked with an asterisk were nominated Supernumerary Knights, to be

absorbed into the regular number of 25 as vacancies occurred. 73