Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/612

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596 APPENDIX B Alice, Countess of Suffolk. Alice, wife of William (de la Pole), Earl, later Marquess and Duke, of Suffolk. She had robes again 1434 to 1436, 1439 to 1446, 1448, 1449 1435. T"^ Duchess of Bedford. Jacqueline, wife of John, Duke of Bedford 1449. Margaret, Queen of England. Margaret, wife of Henry VI. She apparently had robes again 1454 or 1455, and in 1457, 14580 1452. The Duchess of Somerset. Eleanor, wife of Edmund (Beau- fort), Duke of Somerset 1480. The Queen. Elizabeth, wife of Edward IV Elizabeth, Cecily, and Mary, the King's daughters (i) Elizabeth, da. of Edward IV, m. i486, Henry VII. She had robes again 1488, 1494 (2) Cecily, da. of Edward IV, w. 1487, John, Viscount Welles (3) Mary, da. of Edward IV 1488. The Countess of Richmoi^d. Margaret, widow of Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond, mother of Henry VII {') The Wardrobe accounts for these years are fragmentary.