Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/639

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APPENDIX D 623 1685. Dec. 4. Robert (Spencer), Earl of Sunderland, till Oct. 1688 O 1688/9. F^b- H- Thomas (Osborne), Earl of Danby, afterwards Duke of Leeds (*>) 1699. May 18. Thomas (Herbert), Earl of Pembroke and Mont- gomery 1 70 1/2. Jan. 29. Charles (Seymour), Duke of Somerset 1702. July 13. Thomas (Herbert), Earl of Pembroke and Mont- gomery 1708. Nov. 25. John, Lord Somers 1 7 10. Sep. 21. Laurence (Hyde), Earl of Rochester, till his death 21 May 171 1 171 1. June 13. John (Sheffield), Duke of Buckinghamshire and Normanby 1 7 14. Sep. 23. Daniel (Finch), Earl of Nottingham, till 28 Feb. 1715/6(0 1 71 6. July 6. William (Cavendish), Duke of Devonshire 1717/8. Mar. 16. Charles (Spencer), Earl of Sunderland 171 8/9. Feb. 6. Evelyn (Pierrepont), Duke of Kingston 1720. June II. Charles, Viscount Townshend 1 72 1. June 25. Henry (Boyle), Lord Carleton, till his death 14 Mar. 1724/5 1725. Mar. 27. William (Cavendish), Duke of Devonshire till his death 4 June 1729 1730. May 8. Thomas, Lord Trevor, till his death 19 June 1730 1730. Dec. 31. Spencer (Compton), Earl of Wilmington 1741/2. Feb. 13. William (Stanhope), Earl of Harrington 1744/5. Jan. 3. Lionel (Sackville), Duke of Dorset 1 75 1. June 17. John (Carteret), Earl Granville, till his death 2 Jan. 1763 1763. Sep. 9. John (Russell), Duke of Bedford 1765. July 12. Daniel (Finch), Earl of Winchilsea and Notting- ham 1766. July 30. Robert (Henley), Earl of Northington (0 The D. N. B. states that Richard (Graham), Viscount Preston (Sunderland's Successor as Secretary of State) " was chosen President of the Council at the end of October 1688" giving as authority " Luttrell i, 471." It is always advisable to verify the D. N. B. references, and the result of doing so in this case is to show that Luttrell records Preston's succession to the Secretaryship and says nothing whatever about the Presidency ! There is no evidence, either in the London Gazette or the Privy Council Register or any contemporary record that I have seen, of Preston's appointment as President, which seems to be a sheer invention of the D. N. B. The office remained vacant till Feb. 1688/9. l^-*" 'nfirrn. the Rev. A. B. Beaven). (*>) Though Leeds nominally retained office till 1699, he ceased to attend the Council from April 1695. [ex inform, the Rev. A. B. Beaven). 1^) Haydn in his Book of Dignities erroneously gives as his successor, 3 J^"- 17^5> Lionel, Earl of Dorset, {ex inform, the Rev. A. B. Beaven).