Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/657

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APPENDIX D 641 1768. 1772. 1775- 1782. Secretaries of State for the Colonies i 768-1 782 Jan. 20. Wills (Hill), Earl of Hillsborough, afterwards Marquess of Downshire (") Aug. 14. William (Legge), Earl of Dartmouth (^) Nov. 10. Lord George Sackville-Germain, afterwards Viscount Sackville (*) Feb. 1 1. Welbore Ellis, afterwards Lord Mendip, till Mar. 1782 Secretaries of State for the Home department 1782. Mar. 27. 1782. 1783- July Apr. 19 2 1783- 1789. Dec. June 23 5 I79I. June 8 1794- 1801. July July II 30 1803. 1804. July May 17 12 1806 1807. Feb. Mar. 5 4 1809 1812 Nov. June I II 1822. 1827. 1827. Jan. Apr. July 17 30 16 1828. 1830. 1834. Jan. Nov. July 26 22 19. 1834. Dec. 15. William (Petty), Earl of Shelburne, afterwards Marquess of Lansdowne Thomas Townshend, afterwards Viscount Sydney Frederick North, styled Lord North, afterwards Earl of Guilford Thomas Townshend, afterwards Viscount Sydney William Grenville, afterwards Lord Grenville, trans, to Foreign Office June 1791 Henry Dundas, afterwards Viscount Melville, trans, to War Office July 1794 William (Bentinck), Duke of Portland Thomas, Lord Pelham, afterwards Earl of Chichester Charles Yorke Robert (Jenkinson), Lord Hawkesbury, afterwards Earl of Liverpool (from Foreign Office) George, Earl Spencer Robert (Jenkinson), Lord Hawkesbury, afterwards Earl of Liverpool, trans, to War and Colonial Office Nov. 1809 Richard Ryder Henry (Addington), Viscount Sidmouth Robert Peel William Sturges-Bourne Henry (Petty - Fitzmaurice), Marquess of Lansdowne Robert Peel (afterwards Sir Robert Peel, Bart.) William (Lamb), Viscount Melbourne John (Ponsonby), Lord (by courtesy Viscount) Duncannon, afterwards Earl of Bessborough Henry Goulburn (") The Secretaryship for the Colonies was held in conjunction with the office of First Lord of Trade from 1768 until Germain's resignation of the latter post in November 1779. 82