Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/662

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646 i855- Feb. 1855. May I. 1855. July 21. 1855. Nov. 21. 1858. Feb. 26. 1858. May 7- 1859. June 18. 1864. Apr. 7- 1866. July 7- 1867. Mar. 8. 1868. Dec. 9- 1870. July 6. 1874. Feb. 21. 1878. Feb. 4- 1880. Apr. 28. 1882. Dec. 16. 1885 June 24 1886 Feb. 6. 1886 Aug. 3 1887 Jan. 14 1892 Aug. 18 1895 June 29 1903 Oct. 6. 1905 Dec. 1 1 1908 Apr. 16 1 9 10. Nov. 7. APPENDIX D Sidney Herbert, afterwards Lord Herbert of Lea, resigned 22 Feb. Lord John Russell, afterwards Earl Russell (*) Sir William Molesworth, till his death 22 Oct. 1855 Henry Labouchere, afterwards Lord Taunton Edward Henry Stanley, ityled Lord Stanley, after- wards Earl of Derby Sir Edward Bulwer-Ly tton, afterwards Lord Lytton Henry (Pelham-Clinton), Duke of Newcastle Edward Cardwell, afterwards Viscount Cardwell Henry (Herbert), Earl of Carnarvon Richard (Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Gren- ville), Duke of Buckingham and Chandos Granville (Leveson-Gower), Earl Granville, trans. to the Foreign Office July 1870 John (Wodehouse), Earl of Kimberley Henry (Herbert), Earl of Carnarvoi: Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, afterwards Viscount St. Aldwyn John (Wodehouse), Earl of Kimberley, trans, to the India Office Dec. 1882 Edward Henry (Stanley), Earl of Derby Frederick Stanley, afterwards Earl of Derby Granville (Leveson-Gower), Earl Granville Edward Stanhope, transferred to the War de- partment Jan. 1887 Sir Henry Holland, afterwards Viscount Knutsford George (Robinson), Marquess of Ripon Joseph Chamberlain Alfred Lyttelton Victor (Bruce), Earl of Elgin Robert(Crewe-Milnes), Earl (afterwards Marquess) of Crewe, trans, to the India Office Nov. 19 10 Lewis Harcourt Secretaries of State for India 1858. Sep. 2. Edward Henry Stanley, styled l^ovA Stanley, after- wards Earl of Derby 1859. June 18. Sir Charles Wood, afterwards Viscount Halifax 1866. Feb. 16. George (Robinson), Earl de Grey and Ripon, afterwards Marquess of Ripon (from the War Office) (^) Russell had accepted office on 23 Feb. but did not receive the seals until after his return from the Peace Conference at Vienna.