Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/666

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650 APPENDIX E Gloucester Herald (probably instituted in honour of Thomas, Duke of Gloucester, the yst. and only other son of Edward III) certainly existed (as a King of Arms) under Richard III, but was, on Richard's overthrow, abolished by the new King, Henry VII, who, in recognition of his own title as Duke of Richmond, and of his descent from the House of Beaufort, Dukes of Somerset, established or re-established (5) Richmond Herald, and (6) Somerset Herald. As to the four existing Pursuivantships (i) Rouge Croix and (2) Bluemantle (doubtless so-called from the red cross of St. George and from the blue robes of the order of the Garter) both existed in the times of the Yorkist Kings, and were continued by their successor, Henry VII, which King, to commemorate his supposed descent [ex parte paternd) from Cadwallader, King of V/ales (whose ensign was a Red Dragon), and his undoubted descent {ex parte materna) from the family of Beaufort, Dukes of Somerset (whose badge was a Portcullis), established (3) Rouge Dragon Pursuivant and (4) Portcullis Pursuivant.