Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/676

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66o APPENDIX H Ferrers of Chartley, Robert (Shirley), Lord. He was cr. Earl Ferrers in 171 1.(^) Grafton, Henry (Fitzroy), ist Duke of. He was one of the first to desert the King's camp, and " fled to the Prince's quarters," 24 Nov. 1688, accompanied by Churchill.() Grey de Ruthin, Henry (Teherton), Lord. He joined the Northern rising in 1688, and was cr. Viscount de Longueville in 1690. " Griffith, Captain." Guise, Sir John, Bart. IVI.P. for co. Gloucester. He d. 1695. Harley, Sir Edward. ] Both of these took up arms in Wor- Herbert of Cherbury, Henry cestershire in Nov. 1688 on behalf (Herbert), 4th Lord. J of the Prince of Orange. C") " Herbert, Vice Admiral " i.e. — the well known Arthur Herbert, cr. Earl of Torrington in 1689. [Latimer], Edward Osborne, styled Viscount Latimer, eldest br. of Viscount Dunblane [S.], and s. and h. ap. of the Earl of Danby, both mentioned above. He d. a few months afterwards, viz. Jan. 1688/9, ^-P-f and v.p. Lovelace, John (Lovelace), 3rd Lord. He was one of the first who set out for Exeter to join the Prince of Orange, but was taken prisoner at Gloucester. C") Lumley, Richard (Lumley), 2nd Viscount [1.]. He " seized New- castle " for the Prince of Orange.C") In 1689 he was cr. Viscount Lumley, and in 1690 Earl of Scarborough. Macclesfield, Charles (Gerard), ist Earl of. " Conpicuous in this great assemblage [i.e. that of the ' British Adventurers at the Hague,' who had assembled there in 1688 to plan the deposition of the King] was Charles Gerard, Earl of Macclesfield, an ancient Cavalier who had fought for Charles I, and had shared the exile of Charles II. "C") " Marie, Squire." Manchester, Charles (Montagu), 4th Earl of. " The northern rising (1688) became every day more formidable. Four powerful and wealthy Earls, Manchester, Rutland, Stamford and Chesterfield repaired to Not- tingham and were joined there by Lord Cholmondeley and by Lord Grey de Ruthyn."() This Earl was cr. Duke of Manchester, in 1719. Norfolk, Henry (Howard), 7th Duke of. " The Eastern counties were up [Nov. 1688]. The Duke of Norfolk attended by 300 gentlemen armed and mounted appeared in the stately market place of Norwich. The mayor and aldermen met him there and engaged to stand by him against Popery and arbitrary power. "() Northampton, George (Compton), 4th Earl of. Ormonde, James (Butler), 2nd Duke of Peyton, Sir Robert (in the Dutch invasion he was " a colonel," under the Prince of Orange). He d. soon afterwards, viz. 4 May 1689. (^) See ante, page 658, note "b." () See ante, page 658, note "a."