Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/586

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566 CUMBERLAND CULLODEN i.e. "CuLLODEN in North Britain," Barony (Prince Adolphus Frederick)^ cr. 1801, extinct 1904, with the Dukedom of Cambridge, which see. CULMORE See "DocKWRA of Culmore, co. Derry," Barony [I.] {JDockwra)^ cr. 1 621; extinct 1631. i.e. "Culmore of Londonderry," Barony [1.] (Bateman), cr. 1725 with the ViscouNTCY of Bateman [I.], which see; extinct 1802. CULPEPER see COLEPEPER CULROSS See "CoLviLL ofCulross," Barony [S,] (Colvill), cr. 1604 or 1609. CUMBERLAND(^) EARLDOM. I. Henry (Clifford), Lord Clifford, s. and h. of Henry, Lord Clifford ("the Shepherd Lord"), by his L 1525. 1st wife, Anne, da. of Sir John St. John, of Bletso, Beds, was b. 1493; K.B., 23 June 1509, at the Coronation of Henry VIII; is said to have been dissolute in his youth, and on bad terms with his father ;(*>) was Sheriff of co. York, 1 522 ; sue. his father in the Peerage and as Hereditary Sheriff of Westmorland, 23 Apr. 1523, and had livery of his father's lands as Lord Clifford, Westmoreland and Vescy, 1 8 July 1 523. Shortly afterwards was, as " Henry Clyfford, Knt., Lord Clyfford, Westmore- land and Vescy,"('=) on 18 June 1525, cr. EARL OF CUMBERLAND.C^) (^) See as to the exploded theory of this Earldom having been conferred by the Conqueror on Randolf le Meschin, ante^ p. 30, note " a," sub " Carlisle." (^) His father complained of his " ungodly and ungudely disposition," and ex- pressed his desire that he would leave the counsel of " certain ill disposed persons as well young Gents as others." V.G. (■=) See as to this style ante, p. 294, note " b," sub " Clifford." (^) He is described in the Signed Bill as Sir Henry Clyfford, Knt., Baron Clyfford, Westmoreland, and Vesey. "This nobleman was advanced in dignity on the occasion of the creation of the King's natural son, Henry Fitzroy, to be [Earl of Nottingham and] Duke of Richmond: the King at the same time made one Marquess (Exeter); three [other] Earls (Rutland, Cumberland, and Lincoln); and two Viscounts (Fitz- Walter and Rochford). An ancient MS. in the College of Arms (Collect. Vine. 31) says, ' These were advanced uppon y" joyefull newes of y' Emperours victorie at Pavie in Italy where the K. of France was taken prisoner and Richard de la Pole the King's