Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/101

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DARNLEY 83 DARNLEY or DERNELEY BARONY [S.] I. Sir John Stuart, s. and h. of Sir Alan S., of T ^ p Darnley, co. Renfrew, by Catherine, da. of Sir William Seton, of Seton, which Alan was s. and h. of Sir John Stuart, of Darnley, by Elizabeth, da. and coh. of Duncan, -• ' ' Earl of Lennox [S.], sue. his father in 1439, and appears to have been cr. a Lord of Parliament by the title of LORD DERNELEY, or DARNLEY [S.], at the Coronation of James III, who sue. to the throne 3 Aug. 1460. He was served h. to his grandfather 1466, and 23 July 1473 to his great-grandfather, the Earl of Lennox above- named, as to half of that Earldom, and to the principal messuage thereof, and sat in Pari. 20 Nov. 1475, ^s EARL OF LENNOX [S.], which title from Oct. 1488 appears to have been fully recognized. The titles continued united till the death of Matthew, the 4th Earl, 4 Sep. 1571, when they devolved on his grandson and h.. King James VI, s. and h. of Henry (well- known under the style of Lord Darnley), his s. and h. ap., who d. v.p.., 9 Feb. 1566/7. The dignities thus became merged in the Crown [S.], in 1 57 1. See fuller particulars sub Lennox, Earldom. i.e. "Darnley, Aubigny and Dalkeith," Barony of [S.] (Stuart)^ cr. 1580, with the Earldom of Lennox [S.], which see; extinet 1672. i.e. "Derneley," or "Darnley," Barony of [S.] (Stuart), er. 157: with the Earldom of Lennox [S.], which see; both extinct iSl^- i.e. "Derneley," or "Darnley," Barony of [S.] (Stuart), er. 1578, with the Earldom of Lennox [S.], which see; resigned therewith, 1580. i.e. "Derneley," or Darnley," Earldom of [S.] (Stuart), er. 1581, with the Dukedom of Lennox [S.], which see; extinct 1672. DARNLEY AND DARNLEY OF ATHBOY VISCOUNTCY [I.] I . John Bligh, s. and h. of Thomas B.^ (who d. T 28 Aug. I 710), of Rathmore, co. Meath (M.P. for ■ ^723- tj^^t county 1695 till his death), by Elizabeth, da. of T7ADT Tf^A TT 1 Jamcs Naper, of Loughcrew, co. Meath. He was EARLDOM [i.J ^ ^gg^. ^_p_ ^^^ ^^.^ 1709-13, and for Athboy I. 1725. 1713-21. In consequence of his marriage he was, on 1 4 Aug. i-j2i,cr. BARON CLIFTON OF RATH- (*) He had large grants of land under the Act of Settlement in 1668. "Origi- nally a grazier, but grew rich, and the Duke of Ormond procured him to be made a Privy Councillor." The alleged humble origin of this and other peerage families is referred to in a note sub Craven. V.G.