Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/104

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86 DARNLEY tive.(^) He ;«., 26 Jan. 1899, at St. Michael's, Chester Sq., Jemima Adeline Beatrice, one of the 4 children, b. before marriage, of Francis James Lindesay Blackwood, of Chelston Manor, Cockington, Devon, by Frances Adeline Asbury, widow, whom he subsequently w., 19 Apr. 1880, at the Registrar's office, Newton Abbot. He d. s.p.m., of dropsy and bronchitis, aged 49, at Cobham Hall, 30 Oct., and was bur. 3 Nov. 1900, at Cobham. He was sue. in the Barony of Clifton of Leighton Bromswold by his only da. See that title. His widow, who was b. 23 Mar. and reg. 7 June 1880, w., 3 Mar. 1902, at St. Paul's, Valetta, Malta, Commander Arthur C. Leveson, of H. M.S. "Canopus." VIII. 1900. 8. Ivo Francis Walter (Bligh), Earl OF Darnley [1725], ViscountDarnleyofAthboy [1723], and Baron Clifton of Rathmore [1721], all in the peerage of Ireland, br. and h. male, /S'. 13 Mar. 1859; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll. Cambridge. He established his right to vote at the election of Rep. Peers [I.], 12 Feb. 1902; Rep. Peer [I.] (Conservative) 9 Mar. 1905. He m., 9 Feb. 1884, at Melbourne, Victoria, Florence Rose,() da. of John Stephen Morphy, of Beechworth, Victoria, Australia. [EsME Ivo Bligh, styled 'Loko Clifton of Rathmore, ist s. and h., h. II Oct. 1886, in Melbourne. He ;«., 25 June 19 12, at St. Mary's, Westm., Daphne Rachel, da. of the Hon. Alfred Mulholland, of Worling- ham Hall, Beccles, Suffolk, by Mabel Charlotte, ist da. of Llewellyn Traherne Basset Saunderson, of Dromkeen, co. Cavan.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 9,309 acres in Kent, valued at ;/;20,ooi a year, and 25,463 acres in co. Meath, at ^^17,349 a year. Total, 34,772 acres, valued at ;^37,350 a year. Principal Residence.— Cobham Hall, near Gravesend, Kent. DARTFORD i.e. "ViLLiERS OF Dartford, Kent," Viscountcy (Villiers), cr. 1691; see "Jersey," Earldom of, cr. 1697. (*) He was a member of the Carlton Club, but afterwards became a Home Ruler. He never established his right to vote at the election of Rep. Peers [I.]. He was anxious to change his titles of "Earl of Darnley and Viscount Darnley of Athboy " to "Earl of Lune and Viscount Athboy." Lune is the Barony in co. Meath where the bulk of the Bligh estates are situated. V.G. C") She was a niece of Morphy, the celebrated chess-player. He is a well-known cricketer, played for Cambridge Univ., and captained an English team in Australia in 1882-83. V.G.