Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/108

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90 DARTMOUTH by Elizabeth (afterwards Duchess of Ancaster), da. of William Blundell, of Basingstoke. He d. at Blackheath, i 5 July, and was bur. 3 Aug. 1 801, at Trinity Minories, aged 70. Will pr. 1804. His widow d. in Charles Str., St. James's, Midx., 23 Feb., and was bur. 4 Mar. 1805, at Trinity Minories afsd., aged 72. Will pr. 1805. EARLDOM. BARONY. V. 1801. 3 and 4. George (Legge), Earl of Dart- mouth, fife, s. and h., b. 3, and bap. 26 Oct. 1755, at Lewisham; ed. at Eton from 1771; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 22 Oct. 1771, M.A. 1775, and D.C.L. 26 Oct. 1778; M.P. (Tory) for Plymouth 1778-80, for co. Stafford i78o-84;(=') F.R.S. 3 May 1781; Lord of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales 1782-83; Lord Warden of the Stannaries 1783-98; F.S.A. 18 Mar. 1784; P.C. 17 Mar. 1801; Pres. of the India Board 1801-02. He was sum. to Pari, by writ v.p.^ 15 June 1801, in his father's Barony of Dartmouth, but never took his seat therein, as he sue. to the Earldom a few weeks later; Lord Steward of the Household I 802-04; Lord Chamberlain of the Household 1 804-10; nom. and inv. K.G, 27 May 1805, but never installed. He w., 24 Sep. 1782, at her mother's house in Grosvenor Sq., Midx., Frances, 2nd da. of Heneage (Finch), 3rd Earl of Aylesford, by Charlotte, da. of Charles (Seymour), Duke of Somerset. He d. at Dawlish, Devon, 10, and was bur. 24 Nov. 18 10, at Trinity Minories, aged ^^c,. Will pr. 18 10. His widow, who was b. in Grosvenor Sq., 9 Feb., and bap. 8 Mar. 1761, d'. 21 Nov. 1838, at Black- heath, aged 77. Will pr. Dec. 1838. EARLDOM. IV. BARONY. VI. istly, 5 Apr. 1 82 1, 4 and 5. William (Legge), Earl of Dart- mouth, yc, s. and h., b. 29 Nov. 1784, in the par. of St. Geo., Han. Sq.; ed. at Eton;() matric. ^^°- at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 3 May 1802, B.A. 1805; cr. D.C.L. 13 June 1834. M.P. (Tory) for Milborne Port, Jan. to Nov. i8io.('=) F.S.A. 22 June 1820; F.R.S. 7 Nov. 1822. He w., at Cirencester, Frances Charlotte, ist da. of Charles (») He, like his father, joined the North-Fox Coalition, and was one of " Fox's Martyrs" in 1784 (see Appendix A to this vol.); later on he reverted to the Tories. V.G. C>) A beautiful portrait of him by Reynolds, as a singularly handsome youth, is at Eton College, he having presented it to the Headmaster when leaving school. The following [poetical ?] description of him, as an Eton boy (presumably meant in his praise), was written by the Earl of Carlisle, a contemporary Etonian. " Mild as the dew, that whitens yonder plain, Legge shines serenest 'midst your youthful train." G.E.C. and V.G. (') He followed Wellington when he changed his views on Cath. Emancipation, and was one of the 22 "Stalwarts" who voted against the 3rd reading of the Reform