Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/118

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loo DAUBENEY 8. Sir Giles Daubeney, of South Ingleby, South Petherton, ^fc, next br. and h., b.^ and bap. 25 Oct. 1395, ^^ Kempston.(^) The King took his homage and fealty, and he had livery of his inheritance, 22 Nov. 141 6. C") He was in the wars with France, 141 8 to 142 !.('=) Knight of the Shire for Somerset, 1424/5 and 1429. Sheriff of Somerset and Dorset, Jan. 1425/6 to Dec. 1426. Sheriffof Beds and Bucks, 1431-32. He»2.,istly, Joan (said to have been widowof John Beaumont), 3rd da. of Sir Philip Darcy, of Knaith, co. Lincoln [Lord Darcy], () by Elizabeth, 2nd da. of Sir Thomas Gray, of Heton in Norhamshire. She was bur. at South Petherton. He m., 2ndly, before 18 May 1436,0 Mary, ist da. and coh. of Simon Leke, of Gotham, Notts, by Joan, da. and h.of Sir John Talbot, of Swannington, co. Leicester.(') She d. 1 7 Feb. 1442/3, and was bur. at South Petherton. Brass.(s) 1421. "Et dicunt quod predictus Thomas filius Johannis Goldyngton' obiit xvij" die mensis Februarii ultimo preterito Et quod Johannes Henxtworth' est consanguineus et heres predict! Thome filii Johannis propinquior videlicet filius Katerine sororis Johannis patris predict! Thome filii Johannis . . . et est etatis xxx annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. OT., Hen. V, file 56, no. 26: Exch. Inq. p. m.. Enrolments, no. 524). (^) Writ dc ctate probanda, 6 Nov. 4 Hen. V. " Probacio etatis Egidii Daubeney fratris et heredis Johannis Daubeney filii et heredis Egidii Daubeney chivaler defuncti," Bedford, Sunday after St. Martin [15 Nov.] 1416. ". . . idem Egidius frater ... est etatis viginti ct unius annorum et amplius . . . natus fuit apud Kempston' in comitatu predicto et in ecclesia Omnium Sanctorum ibidem baptizatus fuit die Lune proximo post festum sancti Luce Evangeliste anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum xvij™ [20 Oct. 1393, but it should be "anno . . . xix""," i.e. 25 Oct. 1395]. (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. V, file 50, no. 83). {^) Close Roll, 4 Hen. V, m. 10. His fealty was actually taken by the Chan- cellor, the Bishop of Winchester. (Ch. Privy Seals, I, file 665, no. 715). {") Norman Rolls, 6 Hen. V,p. 1, m. 17; 8 Hen. V, p. 2. m. 19 d: French Roll, 9 Hen. V, m. 17. (^) Coll. Top. et Gen., vol. i, p. 314. She is mentioned in her father's will, 16 Apr. 1399, and in her mother's, 20 Dec. 141 1. (*) The 4 daughters and coheirs of Simon Leke occur at this date as, Mary wife of Giles Daubeney kt., Margaret wife of John Markham, Elizabeth wife of Hugh Hercy esq., and Anne wife of Richard Wyllughby esq., cousins and heirs of John de Vaus. [De Banco, Easter, 14 Hen. VI, m. 340 ; Mich., 15 Hen. VI, m. 129). Their relationship to John de Vaus is not given, but their great-grandfather, Simon de Leyk, had jn. (papal mandate for disp., I June 135 i) his cousin, Margaret de Vaux. {Papal Letters, vol. iii, p. 456). (') Visitations of cos. Derby and Lincoln. This Joan m., istly, Thomas Malory kt. [Feet of Fines, case 186, file 37, no. 16), and was, or claimed to be, cousin and h. of Walter Prest, who had held some land in Melton Mowbray. [De Banco, Hilary, 6 Hen. VI, m. 117). In Dec. 1375 "Johannes Talbot' miles de Suanyngton' " was found to be one of the heirs of Richard, s. of Richard de Frene chr., and then aged 40 and more. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 244, no. 51). (s) " Hie iacet d'na Maria Daubeney vxor Egidij Daubeney Militis quondam filia Simonis Leek Armig'i de Comitatu Notyngamie que obijt xvij° die Mensis Februarij Anno d'ni Mill'imo CCCC°xlij° Cuius anime p'picietur deus Amen." [Rubbing, in Addit. MSS., no. 32490 P, 40). This Mary left an only da. and h., Joan, who m., v.p. (she, though .igcd only " 5 and more " at her father's death, is