Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/158

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I40 DE LA WARR ton, Isfield, iyc.(*) As holding a knight's fee in Sussex, he was distrained in 1 278 to receive Icnighthood on or before Christmas.() He did homage and swore fealty to the Archbishop of Canterbury for the manor of Isfield, i July 1279. (') He was with the King in the Army of Wales in 1282. ('^) Being about to set out for Santiago, he had letters of protection for a year, 10 Aug. 1290, and again, 18 Jan. i29i/2.() Was in Gascony on the King's service 1294 to 1297, being Captain of Bourg-sur-Mer in (1297-8) 26 Edw. !,(') and was at the siege of Carlaverock in July 1300, being then a banneret.Q He was sum. for Military Service from 6 Apr. (1282) 10 Edw. I to 22 May (1319) 12 Edw. II, to Councils, 14 June (1287) 15 Edw. I and 8 Jan. (1308/9) 2 Edw. II, to attend the King wherever he might be,(8) 8 June (1294) 22 Edw. I, to attend the Coronation, 18 Jan. (1307/8) i Edw. II, and to Parl.C^) from 6 Feb. (1298/9) 27 Edw. I to 16 June (131 1) 4 Edw. II, by writs directed Rogero la Warre, whereby he is held to have become LORD la Warre was s. and h. of Jordan, who had livery of his father's lands in 12 12-3 (^Pipe Roll, 14 Joh., Gloecestrescira), and d. between 23 Aug. and 6 Sep. 1231, leaving a widow, Emma, and his heir under age {Cloie Roll, 15 Hen. Ill, mm. 5, 4, I ; cf. Patent Roll, 14 Edw. II, />. 2, m. 15). Jordan was s. and h. of John la Warre, to whom John, Count of Mortain, when holding the honour of Gloucester, granted the manor of Brislington, Somerset. [Curia Regis, roll no. 106, m. 15: Ch. Misc., 12, no. 6). (*) Olimpia was m. before 20 Jan. 1242/3, and was living in Aug. 1265. Her father, Hugh (whose widow, Margaret, ;;;. William d'Englefeld, and was living in Apr. 1252), was s. and h. of Hugh de Fokinton, of Folkington, Isfield, Tarring, Exceat, and Cholington, who d. before I June 12 14, leaving a widow, Egeline. {Feet 0/ Fines, case 233, file 5, no. 23, file 15, no. 7; case 234, file 18, no. 12: Jssize Roll, no. 237, !/i. 6 or 7). The elder Hugh, proavus of Roger la Warre let., gave one-third of the advowson of Tarring to the monks of Lewes. {Ancient Deeds, A, no. 13131). Cf. Cartulary of Lewes, Cotton MSS., Vesp., F 15, ff. 65, 70 v, 79 v. C) Pari. Writs, vol. i, p. 217. (■=) Canterbury Reg., Pecham, p. 10. {^) Scutage Roll, no. 9, m. 3: Patent Rolls, 18 Edw. I, m. 13; 20 Edw. I, m. 26. H Patent Rolls, 23 Edw. I, w. 4; 24 Edw. I, ?n. 14: Close Roll, 28 Edw. I, m. 8: Gascon Rolls, 22 Edw. I, w. 3; 33 Edw. I, mm. 17, 16, 15, 1 3. (') With two knights and 10 esquires (12 from 7 July), from 3 July to i Sep., " quo die recessit de exercitu Regis apud Drumbo versus partes Anglie." Being paid, for himself and his men, at first i8i. and afterwards ^^i, a day. Total £^C) I2s. {IFardrobe Accounts, 28 Edw. I, p. 202). (e) It was accordingly ordered, 14 June following, that he should not be sum. for Gascony. C") He held the following manors: Milton, ol the King in chief, by fealty and the service of a sore sparrow-hawk yearly: Isfield, I fee, of the Archbishop of Canter- bury: Wickwar, i fee, of De Gournay and afterwards of Ap Adam, as of the manor of East Harptree: Brislington, | fee, as of the honour of Gloucester: Folkington, ^c, Sussex, as of the honour of L'Aigle: Whitchurch, Oxon (this he sold), as of the honour of Wallingford: Rushall, Wilts (this he sold in 131 1), 1 fee, of the King in chief: and some lands in Strensham, co. Worcester, and Lambourn, Berks. After the year 131 1 he held nothing of the King in chief as of the Crown by military service.