Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/163

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DE r.A WARR 145 grandmother, Joan, had held for life.(^) He accompanied the Prince of Wales to Gascony in Sep. 1355, and was in the skirmish at Romorantin in SolognejC") and at the battle of Poitiers. (■=) He was with the King in the invasion of France, Oct. 1359 to i36o,() and was taken prisoner in the latter year by Sir Jean Haubert.(°) He was sum. to Pari., 14 Aug. (1362) 36 Edw. Ill and i June (1363) 37 Edw. Ill, by writs directed Rogero de la IVan-c or de IVarre. He was in Gascony with the Prince of Wales in 1364, 1366, 1368, and 1368/9,0 and was one of the commissioners appointed by the King of Castile, 23 Sep. 1366, to put the Prince of Wales in possession of the domain of Biscay.(6) He served under the Duke of Lancaster in his raid into Picardyand Caux, July to Nov. 1369,0 and was again with the Prince of Wales in Gascony in 1370. He w., istly, before 14 Oct. 1338, Eliza- bethjC") 2nd da. of Sir Adam de Welle, of Well, co. Lincoln [Lord (*) Writ de terns liherandU — for Wakerley — 22 Apr. [Fine Roll, 27 Edw. Ill, m, 16); writ de non intromittendo — for Swineshead — 22 Apr. {Cloie Roll, m. 22). (»>) Gascon Roll, 29 Edw. Ill, m. 8: Eulog. Hist., vol. iii, p. 218: Baker, p. 129: Froissart, lib. i, cap. 156. (') The King of France surrendered himself at Poitiers to Denis de Morbek, a knight of Artois, according to Froissart, who gives a minute account. Denis was appealed against by Bernard de Troie, a squire of Gascony, in respect of the taking of the King of France at the battle of Poitiers. [Patent Roll, 33 Edw. III,/). 3, m. i). In 1360-61 Bernard and Denis were both frequently receiving money from Edward III, but the payments to the former only are described as "pro capcione Johannis Regis Francie." [Issue Rolls, nos. 401-403, 408). By his deed, dated I July 1 36 1, " Ber- nardus deu Troy scutifer de Vasconia ... in periculo anime mee" declared "quod die belli de Poitiers Ego cepi Regem Francie et se mihi reddidit Rex predictus et meus verus prisionariusest et nullus alius jus habet in eo preter me de jure vel racione." Witnesses: the lords Olivier de Clisson, William de Mountagu, Bartholomew de Burghersh, Robert de Holand, Thomas de Ros, Bernard de Brocas, ^c. (Orig., Cotton MSS., Calig., D3, f. 102). There is a story that Roger la Warre and John Pelham were in the crowd which surrounded the King, the former getting the King's sword, and the latter his belt: and that Roger therefore took the crampet or chape of a sword, and John a buckle, as their badges. Froissart does not mention either of them. [^) French Rolls, 33 E^dw. Ill, p. 1, m. y, 34 Edw. Ill, />. I, >n. 12. Froissart (lib. i, cap. 21 1) says that the Lord la Warre was knighted at Bourg-la-Reinc [/.c, in Apr. 1360], but this is a mistake. (^) Dugdale, Baronage, vol. ii, p. 16, ex autogr. penes Cler. Pell. Patent Roll, 38 Edw. Ill, />. 2, m. 24: Gascon Rolls, 38 Edw. Ill, m. I; 40 Edw. Ill, m. 10; 42 Edw. Ill, m. 3; 43 Edw. Ill, ;w. 12: Froissart, lib. i, cap. 232, 267. He was in the expedition to Navarre in 1367, according to the Poem by Chandos Herald, 1. 2327. (e) Dipl. Doc, Exch., T. R., box 8, no. 214. () By a fine, levied in the quinzaine of Easter, 13 Edw. Ill, John la Warre granted the castle and manor of Ewyas Harold and Kentchurch in the March of Wales, and the manor of Albrighton, Salop, to Roger la Warre and Elizabeth wife of Roger, for their lives — they paying him a rent of ;r40 a year for his life — with reversion to himself and his heirs: for this Roger and Elizabeth gave him ;^200. [Feet 0/ Fines, case 287, file 39, no. 250). Writ 14 Oct. 12 Edw. Ill, Inq. a. y. d., Salop, March of Wales, Tuesday the morrow [but Tuesday was the vigil] of St. Martin and Saturday 19