Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/167

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DE LA WARR 149 Simon Simeon, of Gosberton, co. Lincoln, who ^. j./>., i8 Dec. 1387, (•") at Grimsthorpe, and whose will, dat. at Grimsthorpe, Saturday the Feast of St. Augustine in May [26 May] 1386, was pr. at Lincoln, 31 Dec. i387.() She, who was aged 16 and more in June 1359, d. s.p., 18 Dec. I393.(') Will dat. at Grimsthorpe, 12 Oct. 1393 17 Ric. II, admon. granted at Lincoln, 17 Jan. 1 393/4. ('^) Lord la Warre d. s.p., 27 July I398.(*) (^) "Simon Symeon." Writs of diem cl. ext. 21 Dec. and II Jan. 11 Ric. II. Inq., COS. Lincoln (2), Wilts, Hants, Hunts, York, 2, 2 Jan., Tuesday and Wednesday after, and Thursday after the octaves of, the Purification [4, 5, 13 f'eb.], and Wednes- day 4 Mar. 1387/8. "...dictus Simon obiit [apud Grymesthorp' in comitatu Lincoln' — co. Lincoln] decimo octavo die Decembris ultimo preterito." Inq., Northants, 28 Jan. 1387/8. "... predictus Simon obiit die Mercurii proximo ante festum sancti Thome Apostoli anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi undecimo." No heir is mentioned in any of the inquisitions. (Ch. Inq. p. w., Ric. II, file 53, no. 48: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 54, no. 9). (*>) Lincoln Reg., vol. xii, f. 347 r and v. "Simon Simeon . . . corpus meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesia nove collegiate beate Marie de Leycestr' coram quadam ymagine beate Marie ex parte australi dicte ecclesie." Commission to grant probate dated at Sleaford, 24 Dec. 1387. (') Writ of cerciorari iuper causa capcionis in manum Regis ac de vera va/ore: for the manor of Durrington and a moiety of the manor of Vcniham "Johannis la Warre chivaler": i4"Oct. 19 Ric. II [sic, i.e. 1395: /. 18 Ric. II]. "inq., Wilts, Hants, 18 June 18 Ric. II [1395] and Tuesday the Feast of St. Alban 19 Ric. II [22 June 1 395]. Elizabeth da. and h. of Gilbert de Nevyle died seized of the premises. "Et dicunt quod predicta Elizabetha obiit die Jovis proxima ante festum nat' domini anno dicti domini Regis xvij" Et quis heres ejus est totaliter ignorant set dicunt quod Johannes dominus [dominus Johannes — co. Hants] de la Ware cepit proiicua ... a tempore mortis predicte Elizabethe quo titulo ignorant." (Ch. Misc. Inq., file 256, no. 80). ("*) Lincoln Reg., vol. xii, fF. 410 v-411. "Elizabetha la Warre uxor domini la Warre . . . corpus meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesia Abbacie sancte Marie de Swynes- hede videlicet in illo loco ubi reverendus dominus meus disposuit pro se sepeliendo in futur'." By a fine, levied in the octaves of St. Hilary 12 Ric. II, John la Warre kt. and Elizabeth his wife conveyed the manors of Doubledyke in Gosberton, Southorpe, Grimsthorpe, Ingoldsby, Glanford Brigg, ^c, co. Lincoln, Molesworth, Hunts, and Great and Little Harrowden, Finedon, ^c, Northants, to themselves and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to their feoffees, in fee. [Feet of Fines, case 289, file 55, no. 179). By their charter, dated at Grimsthorpe, Sunday in the octaves of Easter 16 Ric. II, John la Warre kt. Lord la Warre and Elizabeth his wife conveyed several of the said manors to other feoffees, in fee. To this deed is attached their seals, his bearing the arms of La Warre, supporters two lions addorsed, rampant and reguardant, wearing helmets with plumes: and hers, the same arms, impaling a chief dancette, Neville of Grimsthorpe, supporters two talbots addorsed, sejant and reguardant. (Orig., Harl. Charter, 57, E 22). (') "Johannes le Warre chivaler." Writs of diem ci. ext. 5 Aug. 22 Ric. II. Inq., Duchy of Lancaster, 17 Aug. 1398. "Et dicunt quod predictus Johannes la Warre obiit die sabbati proximo post festum sancti Jacobi Apostoli ultimo preterite Et quod magister Thomas la Warre persona ecclesie de Mamcestr' est frater et propinquior heres predicti Johannis la Warre videlicet fllius Rogeri la Warre patris predicti Johannis