Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/169

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DE LA WARR 151 The King took his homage before 22 Oct. I398.(') At about the same time he resigned the free chapel of Barthorpe in Swineshead-C") He was sum. to Pari, from 19 Aug. (1399) 23 Ric II to 7 Jan. (1425/6) 4 Hen. VI, by writs directed Magistro Thome le (Varre, de la IVarre^ or de la Ware. He had licence, 10 Jan. 1401/2, to absent himself for three years from Parliaments and Councils. (') On 18 July 1403 he was commanded to come with all speed before the King, under pain of forfeiture of life and members and everything.('^) He was one of the Lords who sealed the exemplifica- tion of the second Act settling the succession to the Crown, 22 Dec. i4o6.() The King granted him the prebend of Riccall in York Minster, on an exchange, for that of Oxton and Cropwell, 12 May i407:() he was admit- ted, 29 Sep.- 1 Oct. 1407, and held it till his death. (*■) He was collated to the prebend of Leighton Ecclesia in the Cath. Church of Lincoln, after i Mar. 1416/7: this he resigned in 1418 for the prebend of Ketton, in the same Cath. Church, which he held till his death. (*) On 22 May 142 i his feoffees had royal lie. to erect the parish church of Manchester into a collegiate church.(*) On 12 Nov. 1422 he was instituted to the rectory of Swines- head.Q He d. 7 May I427,() and was probably bur. at Swineshead.(') (*) Writ de non distringendo racione homagii, to the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, 22 Oct. {Close Roll, 22 Ric. II, p. , m. 22). () His successor was admitted 19 Nov. 1398. [Lincoln Reg., vol. xiii, f. 2). (<=) Patent Rolls, 3 Hen. IV, /. I, m. 18; 8 Hen. IV, p. 2, m. 13. {^) Rotulus Fiagii, m. 24: Pari. Rolls, vol. iii, pp. 582, 583. (') Torre's MSS., ut supra: Le Neve, vol. iii, p. 209. (') Lincoln Reg., vol. xiv, fF. 363V, 495V; vol. xvi, fF. 30, 23V. («) Patent Roll, 9 Hen. V, />. I, m 13. (*>) "Thomas la Warre." Writs of diem cl. ext. 12 May 5 Hen. VI. Inq., cos. Somerset, Sussex, Wilts, Gloucester, Lincoln, and Bristol town, 22 May, Thursday 5 June (2), Tuesday and Thursday in Whitsun Week [10, 12 June], and Friday before Trinity [13 June] 1427. These all state that Roger la Warre [who rt'. i37o]m. Elizabeth, da. of Adam, Lord of Welle, and had issue John and the said Thomas, and afterwards m. Alianore, da. of the Lord of Moubray, and had issue Joan, wife of Thomas West and mother of Reynold West. "Item . . . dicunt quod dictus Thomas la Warre [clericus — Bristol town] . . . obiit vij" die Maii ultimo preterito Et quod predictus Reginaldus West est heres ejusdem Thome la Warre propinquior videlicet filius dictc Johanne nuper uxoris predicti Thome West sororis predicti Thome la Warre . . . [by virtue of divers fines, i^c] et quod idem Reginaldus est etatis xxviij annorum et amplius Et quod quidam Johannes Griffon' est heres generalis dicti Thome in dicto brevi nominati videlicet filius Thome filii Katerine filie Katerine sororis Jo- hannis patris Rogeri patris predicti Thome in dicto brevi nominati et est etatis xxx [xxxviij — CO. Lincoln] annorum et amplius." Inq., cos. Lancaster, Northants, Thursday in Whitsun Week and Wednesday after Trinity [12, 18 June] 1427. Date of death, and John Griffon, his heir, aged 38 and more, as before. (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. VI, file 30, no. 54: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 138, no. 9, and Enrolments, no. 260). See also Towneley's Abstracts, vol. ii, pp. 17-18, and Duchy of Lancaster, Chancery Roll 7, nos. 42-47, 49. For the descent of John Griffon from La Warre, see Latimer of Braybrooke. (') His arms were in a window of that church, with the inscription, "Orate pro