Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/17

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I. 1321 D DACRE, DACRE (of Gilsland), and DACRE (of the South) (^) BARONY BY i. Sir Randolf de DacrEjC) s. and h. of Sir William WRIT. DE Dacre, of Dacre, Cumberland {b. 12 Mar. 1265/6, d. shortly before 24 Aug. I3i8,('=) bur. at Prescot, co. Lan- caster), (■*) by Joan, da. and h. of Benet Gernet,(^) of Halton, Fishwick, and Eccleston, co. Lancaster,(*) some- time Forester of Lancaster Forest. He was pardoned for any part he had taken in the death of Gavaston, 16 Oct. I3i3.(^) Aged 28 at his father's death. The King took his homage and he had livery of his father's lands, 25 Sep. 131 8, C") and having done fealty, 10 Feb. 13 24/5, (^) of those of his mother (who ^.28 Nov. I324).(') He was sum. for Military (^) The account of the first six men in this article is by G. W. Watson. V.G. C') The arms of Dacre were, Gules, three escallops Argent (those of Randolf de Dacre, temp. Edw. I, are said to have been. Azure, on a cross Or five escallops Gules). Crest, a bull Gules, armed and gorged with a coronet Or: now the sinister supporter of the arms of the Earls of Carlisle. i^) Ch. Inq. p. m.., Edw. II, file 61, no. 16. William was s. and h. of Randolf, Sheriff of Cumberland, 1268-70, and of co. York 1278-80, who (^. 3 May 1286 [Idem, Edw. I, file 44, no. 7), by his ist wife, Geva, who was living 20 Jan. 127 1/2. {Feet of Fines, case 132, file 48, no. 32). Randolf m., 2ndly, Joan, da. of Alan de Multon (by Alice, 2nd da. and coh. of Richard de Lucy, of Egremont, by Aude, ist da. and coh. of Hugh de Moreville, of Kirkoswald, Lazonby, and Burgh-on-Sands), and was s. and h. of William de Dacre, Sheriff of Cumberland, 1236-48 and 1268, and of co. York, 1248-50. The first-named William is stated, by Dugdale, but incorrectly, to have been sum. to Pari. 28Edw. I to 12 Edw. II. Dacre was held of the Lords ofGreystoke. if) This and the other notices of burial are taken from a record by Lord William Howard {d. 1640), printed in H. Howard's Howard Memoriah and elsewhere. (*) " Benedictus Gernet. r'. c'p'. de. Ivij. Ij. de arrer' eiusdem firme [de For' de Lancastr'] . . . Et deb', xlj. Ij. v.s. x.d. De quib' Will' fil' Rann' de Dacre q' dux' in. vx'. Joh'am fil' et heredem p'd'ci Ben', resp'. in. Ebor'." {Pipe Roll, 13 Edw. I, Lane). The passage " Will', de. Dacr' fil'. et heres Ran' de. Dacr' et Joh'a. vx' eius heres Ben' Gernet." {Pipe Roll, 15 Edw. I, Ebor — also CumF) is that adum- brated by Dugdale. But Dugdale has here misrepresented his authority and misprinted his reference. (^ By a fine, levied in the octaves of St. Hilary 4 Edw. II, these three manors were entailed on William and Joan and the heirs of their bodies, rem. to the right heirs of Joan. {Feet of Fines, case 1 1 9, file 17, no. 23). (8) Patent Roll, 7 Edw. II, p. i, m. 12 schedule. (^) Fine Rolls, 12 Edw. II, w. 14; 18 Edw. II, m. 8. (') Escheators' Enrolled Accounts, no. 1, m. 1 2 d. Writ of diem cl. ext. 5 Dec. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. II, file 89, no. 3). I