Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/179

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DE LA WARR i6i da. of Sir Thomas Shirley, of Wiston, Sussex, by Anne, da. of Sir Thomas Kempe. He re-embarked for Virginia 7 May 161 8, and arrived at St. Michael's, " but sailing from thence dies, together with 30 more, not without suspicion of poison "(^) 7 June 16 18, aged 40. Inq. p. »i. at Andover, 3 Apr. 161 9. Admon. as "late of Thornwell, Wilts," i July 1620. His widow was ^ur. 31 July 1662, at Wherwell. XIII. 1618. 4. Henry (West), Baron de la Warr, s. and h., /-. 3 Oct. 1603; sum. to Pari. 14 Nov. (1621) 19 Jac. I; Capt. in the Earl of Oxford's regt. of Foot 1624. He m., Mar. 1624/5, Isabella, ist da. and coh. of Sir Thomas Edmunds, Treasurer of the Household. He i^. i June i628,() aged 24. Inj. p. m. 15 June 1628. His widow, who was h. at Brussels, Nov. 1607, d. between 15 Nov. 1670 and 1679 (•' -4 Dec. 1677). Will pr. 1679. XIV. 1628. 5. Charles (West), Baron de la Warr, onlv s. and h., aged 2 years and 4 months at his father's death. He was one of the commissioners from the Pari, to treat with the Scots in 1646, and with the army in 1647, but was imprisoned in Aug. 1659, on suspicion of being implicated in Sir George Booth's scheme for the restora- tion of the monarchy. He ;«., 25 Sep. 1642, at Highgate, Midx., Anne, da. of John Wild, of Droitwich, co. Worcester, Serjeant-at-Law. He d. 22, and was bur. 27 Dec. 1687, at Wherwell, aged 61. Admon. 2 Jan. 1687/8, to his son. His widow was bur. 18 May 1702/3, at St. Mar- garet's, Westm. XV. 1687. 6. John (West), Baron de la Warr, 3rd but ist surv.() s. and h., b. about 1663. Groom of the Stole and first Gent, of the Bedchamber to Prince George of Denmark, 1 697-1 708; a: D.C.L. of Oxford 27 Aug. 1702; Treasurer of the Chamber 1713-14; one of the Tellers of the Exchequer 1714-15; Treasurer of the Excise I7i5-i7.('*) He w., June 1691, Margaret, widow of Thomas Salwey,(^) da. and h. of John Freeman, Merchant of London. He d. If) Camden's Annah. C*) " Henry the brave young Lord La Ware, Minerva's and the Muses' care." — Epitaph by B. Jonson. (^) His elder br., Charles, ;;i., 26 Dec. 1678, at St. Dionis Backchurch, Elizabeth, da. of Sir Edmund Pyc, Bart. {^) He usually supported the Tories, but voted for Fen wick's attainder in 1697. Bp. Burnet's character of him, when aged 40 and upwards, with Swift's remarks thereon in italics, is as follows: "A free jolly Gentleman — of very little sense, but formal and well stocked with the loiu kind of Invest politics. He sold in 1 695 the WHierwell estate granted to his ancestor by Henry VIII. G.E.C. and V.G. (') According to Luttrell's Diary, 22 June 1691, the lady was "Mrs. Freeman, a widow, da. to Mr. Salaway, a Merchant, worth ^^20,000." 21