Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/184

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i66 DE LA WARR Agnes, 3rd da. of Thomas (Brassey), ist Baron Brassey of Bulkeley, by his 1st wife, Anne, da. of John Allnutt. She, who was b. 21 Apr. 1872, at 20 Park Lane, obtained a decree for restitution of conjugal rights, 19 Mar. 1902, and a decree nisi, 18 July 1902, for her husband's crim. con. with Miss Turner, an actress. He w., 2ndly, 20 Sep. 1903, at the Registry Office, St. Geo., Han. Sq., Hilda, 3rd da. of Col. C. Lennox Tredcroft, of" Glen Ancrum," Guildford, Surrey. From him she obtained a divorce, decree nisi 23 Apr. 19 14, on the ground of desertion and adultery. [Herbrand Edmond Dundonald Brassey Sackville, s. and h. ap., by 1st wife, b. at Normanhurst, Sussex, 20 June, and bap. 9 Aug. 1900, at Withyam, styled Lord Buckhurst.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 17,185 acres in Sussex; 3,240 in CO. Cambridge and 2,941 in Oxon. Total, i}y2>^6 acres, worth £21,606 a year. Bexhill-on-sea has been developed by the family on its manor of Bexhill. Principal Residence. — Buckhurst Park, near Tunbridge Wells, Sussex. DE LA ZOUCHE see ZOUCHE DELHI See " Lake of Delhi and Laswary and Aston Clinton, Bucks," Barony {Lake) cr. 1804; Viscountcy cr. 1807; both extinct 1848. DE L'ISLE AND DUDLEY OF PENSHURST BARONY. I. Philip Charles Sidney, formerly Shelley-Sidney, J jg only s. and h. ap. of Sir John Shelley-Sidney, ist Bart., ■^^' of Penshurst Place, Kent, by Henrietta, da. of Sir Henry Hunloke, 4th Bart., was b. 11 Mar. 1800, and bap. 9 May 1 801, at St. James's, Westm.; ed. at Eton; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 24 Feb. 1820, under the surname of Sidney only. Capt. in 1st regt. of Foot Guards; M.P. (Tory) for Eye, 1829-3"^!; K.C.H. 1830; Equerry to the King, 1830-35; G.C.H. (civil) 1831; Surveyor Gen. for the Duchy of Cornwall, 1833-49; LL.D. Cambridge (Sidney Sussex) 1835. On 13 Jan. 1835, he was cr. by the King (his wife's father) BARON DE L'ISLE AND DUDLEY (^) OF PENSHURST, co. Kent. A Lord (') This mixed title was chosen to commemorate his descent through his paternal grandmother. Dame Elizabeth Jane Shelley (born Perry) from the family of Sidney, Earls of Leicester and Viscounts L'IsIe, descended from Sir Henry Sidney, who m. Mary, da. of John (Dudley), the well-known Duke of Northumberland, and sister of Robert (Dudley), Earl of Leicester, the favourite of Queen Elizabeth. As to the peerage of " L'Isle," his father, in 1824, had petitioned for the Barony of L'Isle, cr. by the writ of summons in 1357, as one of the coheirs thereof through the families of Shelley, Perry, Sydney, Dudley, Grey, Talbot, Beauchamp, Berkeley, and L'Isle.