Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/186

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i68 DE L'ISLE He ;«., 12 June 1902, at St. Mark's, North Audley Str., Elizabeth Maria, widow of William Harvey Astell, D.L., of Woodbury Hall, Beds, and 4th da. of Standish Prendergast (Vereker), 4th Viscount Gort, by Caroline Harriet, 3rd da. of Henry Hall (Gage), 4th Viscount Gage. She was b. 26 Dec. 1861. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 4,356 acres in Kent and 4,896 in the North Riding of Yorkshire. Total, 9,252 acres, worth j/^ 10,232 a year. Principal Residence. — Penshurst Place, near Tonbridge, Kent. DE LONGUEVILLE VISCOL'NTCY. I. Henry (Yelverton), Lord Grey (of Ruthin), who in 1679 had sue. his br. Charles in that dignity, was, I. 1690. ^j ^p^ jg^Q^ ^^ VISCOUNT DE LONGUEVILLE. He d. 24 Mar. 1703/4. See fuller particulars under Grey (of Ruthin). II. 1704. 2. Talbot (Yelverton), Viscount de Longueville, s. and h., was (as Viscount de Longueville) cr. 26 Sep. 1 7 1 7, Earl of Sussex. See that dignity, extinct together with this VIscountcy, 1799. DELORAIN EARLDOM [S.] i. Lord Henry Scott, 3rd but 2nd surv. s. of Y j_Qg James, Duke OF Monmouth, by Anne, ^OTy«ri? Duchess OF Buccleuch [S.], was i'. 1676. On 29 Mar. 1706, he was cr.(f) EARL OF DELORAIN, VISCOUNT OF HERMITAGE and LORD GOLDIELANDS [S.], probably in reward for his support of the Union [S.]. He was in command of a regt. of Foot in 1 707, was Col. of the 2nd troop of Horse Gren. Guards, 171 5-1 7; Col. of the i6th Foot, 1724-30; Col. of the 7th regt. of Horse (now, 1915, the 6th Dragoon Guards), July to Dec. 1730; Brig. Gen. 1710, Major Gen. in the Army, 1727. Rep. Peer [S.], 1715-30; a Lord of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales, 1718-27; K.B., on the revival of that order, 27 May 1725; Gent, of the Bedchamber to George I, 1727-30. He w., istly, in 1693, Anne, da. and h. of W'illiam Duncombe, of Battlesden, Beds, one of the Lord Justices of Ireland. She d. 22, and was bur. 26 Oct. 1720, in Oxfordshire. He m., 2ndly, 14 Mar. 1726, Mary, da. of Charles Howard (s. of Col. the Hon. Philip Howard, 7th s. of Thomas, ist Earl of Berkshire), by Ehzabeth, da. of Edward Batten, of Portsmouth. He d. suddenly, 25 Dec. 1 730, in if) The patent is given in full in Fraser's Scotts of Buccleuch, vol. ii, p. 324, where, also, are letters from his mother, complaining of his conduct, stating that she had given him ;{;24,ooo, besides ;^4,ooo, for building and furnishing his house at Leadwell. In her will, dat. 16 Mar. 1722/3, she accordingly leaves him but ^^5.