Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/188

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I70 DELORAIN IV. 1740 4. Henry (Scott), Earl of Delorain, Viscount to Hermitage and Lord Goldielands [S.], ist s. and h., b. 1807. 8 Feb. 1737, j/r/^^ Viscount Hermitage, 1739-40. He m., 16 Nov. 1763, at St Anne's, Soho, Frances, widow ot the Hon. Henry Knight, da. of Thomas Heath, of Stanstead, Essex. She, from whom he had long been separated, d. in a convent in France 1782, about Feb. He d.s.p.^'m Charlotte Str., Marylebone, 10 Sep. 1807, in his 71st year, when all his honours became extinct.^') DELVINC') Observations. — The origin of this Peerage is obscure. Its possessor in 1489 was one of the 11 Barons [I.] then (with 2 Earls) present at Henry VII's Court at Greenwich. He was placed 6th among the Barons on that occasion. By his charter, Hugh de Lacy (who ^.25 July 11 86) gave " Gilberto de Nugent et heredibus suis Delvin totam quam in tempore Hiberni- corum tenuerunt Ofinilani cum omnibus pertinenciis et villis que infra predictam Delvin continentur excepta quedam villa abbatis de Foure nomine Torrochelach pro servicio quinque militum infra terram meam de Midia taciendo."('^) Gilbert gave " omnes conquestos et tenementa mea videlicet baroniam de Delvin, <yc.," to his br., Richard de Capella de Nogent.('^) In 1207-8 Haket de Nugent gave 60 marks for a writ of mart dincestor concerning 3 knights' fees late of Gilbert de Nugent, his br., in Dublin, Delvin, ^'c, which Richard de Capella then held.('^) The commencement of the pedigree is as follows :(') r — i Gilbert de Nugent, the=. . . . Richard de^. . . . Haket de=. . . . grantee of Delvin. Capella. Nugent. I i William de=Emm£ Nugent. Simon de Lacy, Hugh. Adam. William de=Emma, sister of (*) In early life he was one of the leaders of fashion, and dissipated a fine estate. He and Miss Holland appear in 1770, as "Lord D. . re and Miss H. . II . .d," in the notorious tete-a-tete portraits in Toivn and Country Mag., vol. ii, p. 625, for an account of which see Appendix B in tiic last volume of this work. C^) This article, down to the year 1478, is by G. W. Watson. For some obser- vations on early Irish peerages, and for a table of the ranking of the peers at various dates, see vol. i, Appendix A. V.G. (=) Archdall's Lodge, vol. i, pp. 215, 216. (d) Fine Roll, 9 Job., m. II. («) Cartulary of 'St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin, vol. i, pp. 77, 78, 1 05: Patent Roll, 8 Job., .,. 3d. • "