Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/190

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72 DELVIN John FitzJohn, Baron of Delvin, s. and h. He d. s.p., 25 July 1382.0 William Nugent, s. of Nicholas Nugent, having m. Katherine, sister and h. of John FitzJohn next abovenamed, had, with his said wife, livery of the manor of Delvin, 27 Sep. 1385.0 He is styled, in the Chancery Rolls [I.], JVUlelmus filius Nicholai Nugent, i Mar. 1385/6,0 IVillelmus filius Nicholai Nugent baro de Delvyn, 19 Aug. 1388 and 5 Jan. 1394/5,0 ^"d afterwards, IVillelmus Nugent miles baro de Delvyn. Appointed Sheriff of Meath during the King's pleasure, 10 Nov. 1401; for a year, 20 Nov. following (he was then a knight); and during the King's pleasure, 2i Nov. 1402 and 14 Apr. 1405. Appointed a justice of assize, 14 Feb. 141 1/2. He d. before 3 Mar. 142 1/2. His wife d. before 6 Sep. 1406. Richard Nugent, Baron of Delvin, s. and h. He is styled Ricardus filius JVillelmi Nugent films et heres Katerine fitz John, 6 Sep. 1406.0 He occurs in the Chancery Rolls [I.] as Ricardus Nugent (latterly miles) baro de Delvyn, 3 Mar. 142 1/2 to 19 Mar. i435/6.() Seneschal of the liberty of Meath, Aug. 1423. ('^) Sheriff of Meath, 1428. C^) Deputy to the Lieut, of Ireland, 1448/9. (^) He w. Katherine or Julian, sister and h. of Nicholas Drak-e, of Carlanstown, co. Westmeath, and da. of Thomas Drake, of the same. He d. in 1475.0 (^) The King to Thomas de Clyfford kt., escheator in Ireland. As we learn by inquisition taken that John, son of John FitzJohn, late baron {baro) of Delvin, held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Delvin of Roger, s. and h. of Edmund de Mortimer late Earl of March, under age and in the King's custody, as of his manor of Trim by the service of £^ of royal service when scutage runs, " quodque idem Johannes obiit in festo sancti Jacobi Apostoli anno regni nostri sexto et quod Katerina filia Johannis fitz John nuper baronis de Delvyn est soror et heres dicti Johannis filii Johannis et plene etatis et maritata Willelmo filio Nicholai Nugent diu ante mortem dicti Johannis filii Johannis," we command you to give the said William and Katherine full seizin of the premises: dated at Trim, 27 Sep. {Close Roll [I.], 9 Ric. II, no. 16). It should be noticed that the manor of Delvin was not held of the King in chief. The overlordship had descended from Lacy to Joinville, and from Joinville to Mortimer. (b) Patent Rolls [I.], 9 Ric. II, no. 107; 12 Ric. II, no. 43: Close Roll [I.], 18 Ric. II, no. 14. He was probably so styled to distinguish him from a contemporary " William son of Geoffrey Nugent," who is mentioned in the Patent Roll [I.], 12 Ric. II, no. 220. In spite of this, the pedigrees of Nugent agree in stating that William, baron of Delvin, was son of a Richard Nugent. ("=) Patent Rolls [I.], 3 Hen. IV, no. 33; 4 Hen. IV, />. I, no. 10, p. 3, no. 82; 6 Hen. IV, />. 2, no. 2; 13 Hen. IV, d, no. 107. (<J) Idem, 7 Hen. IV, p. I, no. 4; 9 Hen. V, no. 75; I Hen. VI, d, no. 118; Close Roll [I.j, 6 Hen. VI, no. 35; 14 Hen. VI, p. 2, d, no. 29. (') Statute Rolls of the Pari, of Ireland, vol. ii, p. ill. (*) Annals of Ulster, vol. iii, p. 257.