Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/194

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176 DE MAULEY Barbara, da. and h. of Sir John Webb, 5th Bart., of Odstock, Wilts. She, who was b. 19 Oct. 1788, d. 5 June 1844, in Albemarle Str., aged 55, and was bur. at Canford.(*) Will dat. 1 2 Aug. 1 839, pr. 1 845. He ^. at 2 1 St. James's Place, Westm., 16, and was bur. 23 May 1855, at Hatherop, co. Gloucester, aged 67.^') Will dat. 8 Jan. 1855, pr. 14 July 1855. II. 1855. 2. Charles Frederick. Ashley Cooper (Ponsonby), Baron de Mauley of Canford, ist s. and h., b. 12 Sep. 1815, in Geo. Str., Han. Sq., and bap. at St. Marylebone; ed. at Eton; M.P. (Liberal) for Poole, 1837-47, and for Dungarvan, 185 1-52. ("=) He w., 9 Aug. 1838, at All Souls, Marylebone, Maria Jane Elizabeth, 4th da. of his maternal uncle, John William (Ponsonby), 4th Earl of Bessborough [I.], by Maria, da. of John (Fane), loth Earl of Westmorland. He d. suddenly, at the Knapp, Inchture, near Dundee, 24, and was i'/yr. 29 Aug. 1896, at Little Faringdon, Oxon, aged 80. Will dat. 8 Dec. 1 890, pr. 26 Jan. 1897, at /,'i,076. His widow, who was b. 14 Mar. 1819,^. 13 Sep. 1897,31 Langford House, near Lechlade, and was bur. with him, aged 78. Will dat. 13 Apr., pr. 3 Nov. 1897. III. 1896. 3. William Ashley Webb (Ponsonby), Baron de Mauley of Canford [1838], ist s. and h., b. 1 Mar. 1843, in Geo. Str., Han. Sq.; sometime Lieut. Rifle Brigade; A.D.C. to the Gov. Gen. of Canada. A Liberal Unionist. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 2,457 acres in Somerset (worth ;£7,433 a year) and 1,255 '" Oxon. Total, 3,712 acres, worth 2^9,334 a year. Principal Residence. — Langford House, near Lechlade. Note. The Dorset estate was sold by the ist Baron, and the Somerset property has also since been disposed of. The lands in Oxon still belong (19 15) to the 3rd Baron, but there is no mansion thereon. DE MONTALT OF HAWARDEN and DE MONTALT OF DUNDRUM BARONY [I.] I. Thomas Maude, 4th but ist surv. s. and h. of Sir Robert Maude, Bart. [I.] (so cr. 9 May 1705), of 1. 1776 Dundrum, co. Tipperary, by Eleanor, da. and h. of to Francis Cornwallis, of Albermarles, co. Carmarthen, was 1777. b. about 1727; sue. his father 4 Aug. 1750; M.P. for co. Tipperary, 1761-76; Sheriff of that co. 1765; P.C. [I.] (*) The 2ncl Lord Alvanley called her "as stupid as a post." V.G. () " A cultivated man and a perfect gentleman." Sir Henry Drummond Wolff writes of his having "even more than the usual kindly nature of his family." V.G. ("=) He separated from his party, remaining a Unionist in 1886. V.G.