Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/196

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178 DENBIGH DENBIGH BARONY. Sir Robert Dudley, K.G., b. 7 Sep. 1534, was on 28 Sep. 1564, cr. BARON OF DENBIGH, with rem. to the heirs of his body, and on the following day was cr. EARL OF LEICESTER, with the usual limitation. See fuller particulars under that dignity. He d. s.p. legil., 4 Sep. 1588, when all his honours became extinct.(^) I. 1564 to EARLDOM. I. William Feilding,('^) s. and h. of Basil F., of T ifi'21 Newnham Paddox in Monk's Kirby, co. Warwick, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Walter Aston, of Tixall, co. Staf- ford, was b. about 1582; ed. at Emman. Coll., Cambridge; knighted 4 Mar. 1606/7, at Whitehall. (<=) On 30 Dec. 1620, he was cr. BARON OF NEWNHAM PADDOCKES, co. Warwick, and VISCOUNT FEILDING,0 and on 14 Sep. 1622, EARL OF DENBIGH. C') He was Master of the Great Wardrobe from 1622, having been Deputy Master since 1619; was one of the attendants on the Prince of Wales at the Spanish Court in 1623; was cr. M.A. of Cambridge 3 Mar. 1627; was an Admiral in several expeditions; a volunteer in Prince Rupert's horse, 1642. He ;«., about 1607 (cont. dat. 1606), Susan, only sister of the whole blood of George, afterwards (1623-29) the celebrated Duke of BucKiNGH.'VM, da. of Sir George Villiers, by his 2nd wife, Mary, sno jure. Countess of Buckingham, by which marriage he obtained great favour at Court. She accompanied Henrietta Maria to France as Lady of the Bedchamber. Being mortally wounded in a skirmish near Birmingham, 3 Apr., he d.(^) 8 Apr. 1643, and was bur. at Monk's Kirby. Admon. 8 June 1 65 1, to a creditor. His widow was living 21 Oct. 1651.0 (*) His infant s. and h. ap., who d. v.p., 19 July 1584, is styled in his M.I. at St. Mary's, Warwick, " the noble impe, Robert of Dudley, Baron of Denbigh." () It is alleged that his ancestor, Geoffrey Feilding, of Misterton, co. Leicester, styled himself in a letter, 11 June (13 1 6) 9 Edw. II, "filius Cilfridi, filii Galfridi Comitis de Hapsburgh et Domini Laufenburgh et Rin felden in Germania," and took accordingly the name of Felden, having pretension to that dignity. No mention, however, of this illustrious origin is made in the Heralds' Visitations. G.E.C. See J. H. Round's article, "Our English Hapsburgs: a Great Delusion," in his Peerage Studies, p. 2 1 6. V.G. ("=) Collins's Peerage (Brydges) gives 23 Apr. 1603; Shaw has both dates for the knighting of William F. "of county Warwick." (<^)See Creations, 1483-1646, in App., 47th Rep., D.K. Pub. Records. The patent of 1622 declares the grant to be "ob generis claritatem et nuptias admodum honorandas sed prascipue ob eximiam virtutem et erganoset coronam nostram fidem." (*) See "The Loyalists' Bloody Roll," vol. ii, Appendix A. See also Lord Clarendon's character of him. (*) It would appear from a letter of Charles II to Henry Bennet, dat. at Cologne, 8 June 1655, that she had died there recently. She became a Rom. Cath. when in France. Crashaw dedicated his sacred poems to her. G.E.C. and V.G.