Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/198

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i8o DENBIGH 1 1 days' illness, i,(*) and was bur. 3 Apr. 1641, in Westm. Abbey. He m., 3rdly, 8 July 164 1, at Willesden, Midx., Elizabeth, ist da. and coh. of Edward (Bourchier), 4th Earl of Bath, by Dorothy, da. of Oliver (St. John), 3rd Baron St. John of Bletso. She, who was b. 1622, d. 22 Sep. 1670. He m., 4thly, Dorothy, 2nd da. of Francis Lane, of Glendon by Rothwell, Northants, by Mary, 2nd da. of Thomas Hartopp, of Burton Lazars, co. Leicester. He d. s.p., at Dunstable, 28 Nov. 1675, and was bur. at Monk's Kirby. Admon. 29 Apr. 1676. His widow m. (lie. Vic. Gen., being therein called Frances,() 8 Apr. 1680, to m. at St. Mary's, Savoy, or Kettering, Northants, he about 50, widower, she about 30) Sir John James, and was bur. 23 Nov. 1709, at St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, Midx. III. 1675. 3. William (Feilding), Earl of Denbigh, Viscount Feilding, Baron of Newnham Paddockes, and Baron St. Liz (to which last dignity he sue. under the spec. rem. in the creation thereof), also Earl of Desmond, Viscount Callan, and Baron Feilding OF Lecaghe [I.], nephew and h., being s. and h. of George, Earl of Desmond, ^c. [I.], who was next br. to Basil, Earl of Denbigh, above- named. He was b. 29 Dec. 1640, and regd. at Heston, Midx.; styled Viscount Callan till 31 Jan. 1665/6, when he sue. his father as Earl of Desmond [L]. Lord Lieut, for co. Warwick 1683-85. He m.y istly, Mary, widow of Sir William Meredyth, ist Bart. [L], sister of John, ist Baron Kingston [L], and da. of Sir Robert King, Muster Master Gen. [L], by his ist wife, Frances, da. of Henry (Folliott), 1st Baron Folliott of Ballyshannon [L]. She was bur. 12 Sep. 1669, at St. Michan's, Dublin. He m., 2ndly, Mary, 4th da. of Henry (Carey), 2nd Earl of Monmouth, by Martha, da. of Lionel (Cranfield), Earl of Middlesex. He d. 23 Aug. 1685, at Canonbury House, Islington, Midx., and was bur. at Monk's Kirby, aged 44. Will pr. Sep. 1685. His widow d. s.p., 9, and was carried away 16 Dec. 1719, from St. Giles's-in-the-Fields. Will pr. Dec. 17 19. IV. 1685. 4. Basil (Feilding), Earl of Denbigh, tfc, also Earl of Desmond, i^c. [I.], s. and h. by ist wife, b. at Kilkenny in 1668, J/j/fd' Viscount Feilding 1675-85; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 15 May 1685, aged 17; being er. D.C.L. 9 Nov. 1695. Though a Tory, he did not attend the Pari. [I.] of James II, 7 May i689;('^) Col. of a regt. of Dragoons and Master of the Horse to Prince George of Denmark 1694-97; Lord Lieut, of co. Leicester 1703-06 and 1711-14; said to have been Lord Lieut, of co. Denbigh, but certainly not (^) State Papers, Dom., Charles I, vol. 479, no. 2. V.G. (*>) Her name was Dorothy (not Frances), and as such she is styled in the M.I. to her sister Magdalen Lane at Rothwell, in her renunciation to administer to her husband in 1675, and in the register of her burial, 1709. V.G. if) For a list of peers present in, and absent from, this Pari., sec vol. iii, Appendix D.