Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/211

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DERBY 193 of the younger Henry on his rebellion in Apr. ii73,(*)and sacked and burnt Nottingham in May or June ii74.() He made his submission to the King at Northampton, 31 July 1174, surrendering his castles of Tut- bury and Duffield.(') The King took him, with other prisoners, to France in Aug. folloving,() and imprisoned them at Caen. He m. Sibyl, da. of William de Braiose, Lord of Bramber, by Bertha (heiress of Brecon and Over Gwent), sister and coh. of William de Hereford, and 2nd da. of Miles (de Gloucester), Earl of Hereford. (") He d. on Crusade, at the siege of dextera parte majoris altaris ejusdem ecclesie Preterea concedo et confirmo quicquid antecessores mei scilicet predictus Henricus de Ferrar' et Engeiuilfus et Robertus avusmeus et Robertus Comes pater meus sive uxores vel barones seu milites vel homines eorum donaverunt vel concesserunt predicte ecclesie . . . Hanc doiiacionem dedi et coii- firmacionem feci pro salute mea et uxoris mee Sibille et liberorum meorum Et pro requie anime Henrici de Ferrar' proavi mei et Roberti patris mei et Roberti avi mei et Engenulfi de Ferrar' omiiiumque aiitecessorum meorum Testibus Roberto de Ferrar' fratre comitis et Roberto et Henrico de Ferrar' ejus patruis," ^c. {Cartulary of Tuttury, 110. 53: Transcripts, ut supra, p. 428). In 5, 6, and 7 Hen. II, the lands of the Earl of Ferrieres were at farm. And in the livery of the said Earl, the fifth year, j^37 6s. ()d., the sixth, ;^40, and the seventh, ^^60 2s. {Pipe Rolls). (') He is mentioned slightingly by Jordan Fantosme {Chronique, p. 282): "E li cuens de Ferrieres, un simple chevalier — Mielz deust bele dame baisier e acoler Ke par mal de guerre ferir un chevalier." () "Rodbertus [sic'] Comes de Ferreris, sumptis secum militibus Leicestrie, venit summo mane usque Notingham villam Regis, quam Reginaldus de Luci custodivit: et statim sine aliqua difficultate eam cepit et combussit et burgenses interfecit et quos capere potuit captivos duxit, et totam predam quam capere potuit." (Benedictus, vol. i, p. 6g). By his charter, Earl William gave to Lenton Priory all his right to the church of Woodham in Essex, for the souls of those who were with him at the burn- ing of Nottingham. (Dugdale, Baronage, p. 260, from the Cartulary of Lenton, now destroyed). (') Benedictus, vol. i, p. 73. Tutbury Castle was one of those which the King caused to be demolished in Dec. 1175. (R. de Diceto, vol. i, p. 404). C^) Gervase of Canterbury, vol. i, p. 249. if) "Robertus [j/V] Comes de Ferrieres . . . Notum sit vobis omnibus me dedisse et concessisse Deo et sancte Marie et monachis vallis Dore . . . totum Oxcmeodum . . . Hoc autem feci pro salute domini Regis H. et mea et W. filii mei et hercdum nostrorum et proanima Regis H. et antecessorum nostrorum et [pro] anima Sibille de Braosa uxoris mee matris W. filii mei et sua et pro salute Bertc matris uxoris mee que dedit mihi hanc terram et pro pace et stabilitate tocius Anglie et Wallie." (Vincent, Discoverie of Errours, p. 677). The mistake of writing Robertus — instead of IVillelmus — in this transcript has been the principal source of error in the various pedigrees of the Earls of Derby that have been put forward. For mistake it must be. In what may be called the official account de forisfacto JVillelmi de Braosa [son of the William mentioned in the text] in I 208, it is twice mentioned that JV. Comes de Ferariis was nepos suus. And the Earl is one of the witnesses to the truth of the document. {Liher Niger, vol. i, p. 377). Now it is perfectly certain that the Earl of Ferrieres living in 1208 was son of a William, and not of a Robert. 25