Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/220

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202 DERBY called Mauilerc, Duke or Count of Brittany. She, who was h. about 1242, was living ii July I266,(') and d. s.p.m. He ;«., 2ndly, 26 June 1269, Alianore,() da. of Sir Humphrey de Bohun (s. and h. ap. of Humphrey, Earl of Hereford and Essex), by his ist wife, Alianore, 4th da. and coh. of Sir William de Braiose, Lord of Totnes, Brecon, and Radnor.(') He d. in 1279, and was bur. (most probably) in the Priory of St. Thomas at Stafford. C) His widow's dower was ordered to be assigned, 27 Apr. 1279.0 ^he d. 20 Feb. 1313/4, and was bur. in Walden Abbey. (') (») Patent Roll, 50 Hen. Ill, m. 11. She probably d. s.p. It is stated by Ramsay {Dawn of the Constitution, p. 338) that she had a da., Elizabeth, who was m. istly to John [should be William] Marshal, and 2ndly to David ap Griffith: but the authorities he cites (Rishanger, p. 91 ; Trevet, p. 298; Dunstable, p. 298) call her merely " filiam Comitis Derbeie," and she must, in fact, have been a sister of the whole blood of Earl Robert, and not his da. For William le Mareschal was dead, leaving this Elizabeth his widow, in Oct. 1265 {Patent Rolls, 49 Hen. Ill, m. 2 ; 50 Hen. Ill, m. 14), when Elizabeth's supposed mother was about 23 years of age. (*>) See Ferrers of Chartley. She is usually said to have been "Alianore, da. of Ralph, Lord Basset." if) For the 4 daughters and coheirs of this William de Braiose, see note suh Hereford, Earldom. (■*) By his charter, " Robertus de Ferrar' Comes Derb' " gave to the prior and convent of St. Thomas the Martyr by Stafford "pro salute anime mee et animabus Marie et Alianore uxorum mearum . . . una cum corpore meo cum de me humanitus contigerit apud sanctum Thomam sepeliendo duo mesuagia in villa de Certeleye in comitatu Staff' cum septemdecim acris terre [et] advocacionem ecclesie de la Stowe extra Certeleye." {Inspeximus on Patent Roll, 12 Edw. II, p. 1, m. 12). (') Close Roll, 7 Edw. I, m. 8. She sued Edmund, the King's br., for one-third of the vills of Tutbury, Rolleston, Marchington, Uttoxeter, i^c, co. Stafford, Duffield, Belper, Hulland, Yeldersley, Alderwasley, ^c, co. Derby, and Liverpool, West Derby, Crosby, Waertree, Salford, ^c, co. Lancaster, as her dower. Edmund denied her right to any such dower, because Robert had not been seized of the said lands on the day he married her nor ever afterwards. The Countess said that the King had taken these lands into his hand on account of certain transgressions committed by Robert, and had granted them to Edmund, who had surrendered them into the hands of manucaptors on condition that if Robert did not pay to him, Edmund, ^^50,000 before the quinzaine of St. John the Baptist 53 Hen. Ill, the lands should be restored to Edmund, to hold till the said sum was paid uno et eodem die. " Unde dicit quod die quo [Robertus] ipsam desponsavit silicet sic tercio die post festum predicti sancti Johannis infra predictam quindenam dum predicte terre fuerunt in manibus predic- torum manucaptorum nomine predicti Robert! predictus Robertus habuit liberum tenementum et feodum Ita quod ipsam inde dotare potuit." She, in the end, with- drew her suit. {De Banco, Mich., 7-8 Edw. I, m. 49). Edmund afterwards gave her the manor of Godmanchester, Hunts, for life, 24 May 1 28 1. (Duchy of Lancaster, Charters, A, no. 379; Inspeximus on Patent Roll, 9 Edw. I, m. 16). (^ "Anno domini 1 313 decimo Icalend. marcii obiit Elionora Comitissa Darby cujus corpus juxta magnum altare in parte boreali jacet humatum." {Obituary of Walden, late transcript in Arundel MSS., no. 51, f. 17 v). Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, and Alianora de Ferrariis soror ejus, acknowledged a debt in Jan. 1 289/90. {Close Roll, i8Edw. I, ^«. 14 d).