Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/222

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204 DERBY VII. 1337. I- Henry of Lancaster, s. and h. of Henry, Earl OF Lancaster (which last named Henry was 2nd s. but eventually h. of Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, abovenamed), was b. about 1299. On 16 Mar. 1336/7 he was cr., by charter, EARL OF DERBY,(^) '■^ to hold to him and his heirs." On his father's death, 22 Sep. 1345, he became Earl of Lancaster, i^c. He was cr. Earl of Lincoln, 20 Aug. 1349, and on 6 Mar. 1351/2, Duke of Lancaster. See fuller particulars under the latter dignity. He d. s.p.m., 24 Mar. 1360/1, when the Duke- dom of Lancaster became extinct, whilst any Barony that may be held to have been cr. by the writ of 1299, directed to his father, fell, according to modern doctrine, into abeyance. The right of inheritance of the earldoms seems at that period to have been held to be in the coheirs, and to have followed the partition of the estates appertaining to those dignities. VIII. 1362. 2? Blanche, 2nd and yst. da. and coh., inherited as her share the honour of Derby and the other estates of the previous Earls of Derby. By the death s.p., o Apr. 1362, of her elder sister, Maud, Duchess of Bavaria, she became sole h. of her father {cr. Earl of Derby to him and his heirs), and possibly was considered to be, suo jure. Countess of Derby. She m., 19 May 1359, at the age of 12 years, John, Earl of Richmond (4th s. of Edward III), who as Earl of Lancaster was, 13 Nov. 1362, cr. Duke of Lancaster, and who^. 3 Feb. 1 398/9. C') See fuller particulars of him under that dignity. He in her right styled himself Earl of Derby, i^c. She, who was his ist wife, d. 1369. IX. 1369 3. Henry, Earl of Derby, s. and h., b. at Boling- or broke, 30 May 1366. He was sum. to Pari. 3 Sep. (1385) 1385 9 Ric. II, as Earl of Derby, and was, 29 Sep. 1397, to cr. Duke of Hereford. On his father's death, 3 Feb. ^399- i39S/9> became Duke of Lancaster, ^c. See fuller particulars under that dignity. On 30 Sep. 1399 he sue. to the throne as Henry IV, when all his honours became merged in the Crown. (») For the other creations on this day, see note iub Hugh, Earl of Gloucester [1337]- C") On 21 July 1 36 1, he styled himself Earl of Richmond, Lancaster, Derby, and Lincoln, Steward of England (Patent Roll, t,-] Edw. Ill, j*. 2, m. 31). He was similarly styled 6 Oct. 1361 {Idem, 36 Edw. HI, p. i, m. 25), and 14 May 1362 {Idem, p. I, m. 3). On I Aug. 1 362, after the death of Maud, his wife's elder sister, the Earldom of Leicester is added to his titles. [Close Roll, 36 Edw. Ill, m. 18 d). Dugdale says that he used the title of Earl of Derby "amongst the rest of his great titles, not in respect of any formal creation to that honor, but because he had married Blanch " above named. G.E.C. and V.G.