Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/227

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DERBY 209 (a few weeks before his death) one of the peers on the trial of the Duke of Buckingham 13 May 1521. He m., before I503,(*) Anne, sister of George, ist Earl of Huntingdon, da. of Edwarti (Hastings), Lord HuNGKRFORD AND Hastings, by Mary, da. and h. of Thomas (Hunger- ford), Lord Hungerford. He J. 23 May 1 52 1 , at Colham Green, Midx., and was iiur. at Syon Monastery in that county. Will as " Earl of Derby and Lord Stanley" without date, pr. 27 June 1524 and 4 May 1583. Jn/^. p. m. 28 Jan., 9, 13 May, 24 Oct. 1522, and 15 Sep. I523.() His widow d. at Colham Green, and was ^ur. 17 Nov. 1550. Will dat. 6 Sep. 1550, pr. 3 Mar. 1550/1. XII. I 52 I. 3. Edward (Stanley), Earl of Derby, i^c., 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h.,('^) /?. 10 May 1509; probably styled Lord Strange till 1521; had spec. lie. of entry, without proof of age and without livery, upon all the lands of his inheritance, 29 Jan. (i 530/1) 22 Hen. Vni;() was one of the Peers who petitioned the Pope to grant the King's divorce in 1532; K.B. 30 May 1533, and Cupbearer at the Coronation of Anne Boleyn, Queen Consort, the following day; nom. K.G. 17 Feb. 1546/7, inst. 23 May 1547, having been Bearer of the Curtana at the Coronation of Edward VI on 20 Feb.; Lord Lieut, of co. Lancaster 1552 till his death. Although, probably, it was only by accident that he was not amongst those who signed the document setting aside the succession of Mary to the Crown,(') he was, undoubtedly, one of the C) In which year their 1st s., John, was hur. at St. James's, Garlickhithe. () By this inquisition it appears " that by charter 8 Hen. VIII he had the following titles : Thomas, Earl of Derby, Viscount Kynton, Lord Stanley and Strange, Lord of Knokyn, Mohun, Bassett, Burnal and Lacy, Lord of Man and the Isles." With respect to the Baronies of Bassett, Burnal, and Lacy, these were assump- tions, as was the " Viscountcy of Kynton." Kinton, like Knokin, is in Oswestry hundred, Salop, and formed part of the possessions of the Strange family in that district. " Lord of Knockyn " represents the barony of Strange (of Knokin), which, with the Barony of Mohun (of Dunster), he inherited from his mother. On 24 Jan. 1 521 he signs himself "Derby and Stanley." {Letten and Papers, Henry Fill, vol. iii, part 2, p. 823. On the next page a portion of his will is given, the rest being illegible from mutilation). G.E.C. and V.G. ("=) His yr. br., Sir James Stanley, was ancestor of the Stanleys, Baronets (so cr. 1628) of Bickerstaffe, of whom Sir Edward, the 5th Bart., sui. in 1736 as Earl of Derby. C^) Duchy of Lane. Records, class xi, reg. 22, f. iigd. V.G. (') Among the signatories of the letters patent, 16 June 1553, whereby Edward VI settled the Crown on Lady Jane Grey " of all whose support would be useful, of all whose opposition had to be dreaded. Lord William Howard and Lord Derby alone were absent, and Lord Derby was represented by his son." See Froude's Edward FI, p. 507, where an excellent "analysis of the signatures " [though as to the peerage part thereof not entirely accurate] is given. No less than 26 Peers affixed their names to this settlement. These were two Dukes, viz. Northumberland (Grand 27