Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/25

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DACRE 9 38 Hen. VI to 15 Nov. (1482) 22 Edw. IV,Q directed Ricardo Fenys domino Dacre chivaler, he was sum. to Pari, in that Barony, and (as Dacre) acknow- ledged Prince Edward (son of Edward IV) as h. to the Throne, 3 July 147 1. On 8 Apr. 1473, the King made the final award of the lands of the late Lord Dacre, between the h. male and the h. general, whereby most of the estates C") were secured to the former, though with a rem., failing heirs male, to the heir general,('=) while, as to the Peerage, it was declared that the said Sir Richard Fiennes in right of Joan his wife and the heirs of her body "be reputed, had, named and called the Lord Dacre," and "keep, have and use the same seat and place in everiche of our Paris, as the said Thomas Dacre, knt., late Lord Dacre, had used and kept." He was Chamberlain (jointly with John (Sutton), Lord Dudley) to Elizabeth, the Queen Consort; in 1473 he obtained the reversion of the office of Constable of the Tower, but did not survive the then holder, John (Sutton), Lord Dudley. P.C. 1475. He ^.25 Nov. 1483, and was bur. at Hurstmonceaux. Will dat. 20 Sep. I483.('^) His widow d. 8 Mar. 1485/6, and was bur. there. Will dat. 13 Dec. 1485, pr. 14 June i486. VIII. 1483. 8. Thomas (Fiennes), Lord Dacre, aged 12 and more in 1484, grandson and h., being s. and h. of Sir John (not Thomas) Fiennes, by Alice, ist da. (whose issue was coh.) of Henry (FitzHugh), Lord FitzHugh, which John d. v.p.i^) He had special livery without proof of age, 13 July i492.() Admitted Gray's Inn 1492 ;(') Constable of Calais 1493. He was sum. to Pari., from 14 Oct. (1495) The patent (1458) states that Thomas, Lord Dacre, who was seized "sibi et heredibus suis" of that dignity, had lately died, leaving Joan, wife of Sir Richard Fiennes his cousin and heir, in consideration whereof the King accepted and reputed the said Richard Fiennes to be Lord Dacre. Banks, in his Baronia Anglka remarks, "The heir general m. Richard Fiennes, who had not any blood of Dacre in him. He was sum. to Pari, as Richard Fenys, Lord Dacre. This summons cr. him Lord Dacre, which would seem to be a new Barony in him, for, though his wife was heiress of the personal honour, there was no courtesy of that personal title; courtesy only appertaining to property, and the Baronial property was not in her. She was heiress to the Barony of Multon of Gillesland, if that Barony be not considered to have emanated from and have attended upon the possession of that territory" [which was then in possession of the heir male of the Dacre family]. G.E.C. J. H. Round, however, holds that the award of 1473, assigning to the heir general and her husband th.Q precedence oi the old Barony, above the heir male, was in fact a recognition of his right to that Barony. V.G. (^) See note next above. (*>) Save the manors of Holbeach, co. Lincoln, and of Fishwick and Eccleston, near Croston, co. Lancaster. See post, p. 19, note "c." ("=) On the death of the heir male of the house of Dacre in 1634, these estates were claimed (as heir general) by the then Lord Dacre. (<') See copy of his will, Addit. MSS. no. 5485, fF. 11 9-2 1; see also Materials illustrative of the reign of Henry VII, vol. ii, p. 519. V.G. (') Patent Roll, 7 Hen. VII, mm. 24, 25. V.G. (') Being apparently the first nobleman on the roll of that society. V.G. 2